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Jenna Dutton

Tonya Wertz-Orbaugh
UWRT 1102-005
September 30, 2015
Final Draft: Experiments Done On The Jews
When asked to think about a topic to research and obtain information about, it was hard
deciding on something that would grab my attention but also keep me interested in that topic.
After thinking about it and researching many articles on topics about the Holocaust, I found the
area about the experiments done on the Jews in the concentration camps really interesting. These
articles explained what happened to the Jews during the experiments and the torture they were
put through. After reading, I knew this was the area of the Holocaust that I wanted to research
and know more information about because it will keep me motivated in researching this
semester. When going through the process of deciding, I kept in mind that I wanted to pick a
topic that I did not know information about, so I would learn a lot from this inquiry experience.
The experiments done on the Jews really caught my attention because I am a person that
likes to investigate things, for example follow the ambulance to the scene to find out what
happened to the person. If it was not for the articles that I read, I would not have thought about
this area of the Holocaust because I am not educated on it. What attracts me the most about this
topic, is not knowing how or what happened to the Jews when they were being experimented on.
It is very interesting because I am going into this wanting to know how this impacted the Jews,
whether it was physically or mentally, and who, if any, survived the Holocaust that could share
their experience with us.

From the beginning, I had my mind set on going into this inquiry proposal without having
the background knowledge on the experiments that were done on the Jews. I know information
about the Holocaust from previous classes but honestly, I had no idea that the Jews were
experimented on during the Holocaust. I am glad that I am interested in a topic that I do not
know anything about because I want to gain something out of doing this inquiry proposal.
Before doing any research about my topic, I already have many questions running
through my head that I want to know more about. Since I do not have knowledge about the
experiments done on the Jews, I feel I need a question that will start me off with the most basic
information. I want to know why the Germans experimented on the Jews. I feel this question is
the beginning of many more questions because after understanding why the Germans
experimented on the Jews, will lead me wondering so many other questions. Another question
that interests me is, were any of the experiments that were done on the Jews beneficial to us
now? Did any of the information obtained from the experiments help us determine or find out
anything that have helped doctors save people today? I do not know why or what caused the
Germans to torture the Jews by experimenting on them but I want to believe that the Germans
were doing the experiments for a reason.
There are two perspectives that can be taken with this particular topic. It can be looked at
from the technical side, were the experiments done by using the scientific method, or did the
Germans just try random things to see the outcome? Another perspective, is the angle of what
types of things were the Germans trying to discover? There are so many things that the Germans
could have done so I hope to learn what went on after researching. Eventually, I will have to
pick a side, but some experimenting with each angle will have to be done first to see which is the
best way to conduct my inquiry.

Finally, to get me started on the road of inquiry research, I feel I need a question that will
start me off learning general information about experiments done on the Jews. Right now, I feel
the question that will lead me in the right direction would be What caused, or lead, the Germans
to decide that they wanted to experiment on the Jews? I know the Germans were mean and
cruel people but they had to have a reason to why they wanted to experiment on them. I do not
think they just randomly thought of the idea, but then again you never know so hopefully
researching will answer my question.
Peer Response Reflection
Responding to my peers inquiry proposal draft turned out better than what I expected. I
was able to help my peer in changing his draft to better reflect on his grade for the final paper.
First, I read the proposal all the way through to get an understanding of what I was reading and
to find out what the inquiry topic was. I told the peer that he needed to incorporate the six
questions into his final paper because they were not in the paper. There were a few sentences
that were very confusing to me, so I noted to make sure he made it clearer so the reader
understands it. The inquiry topic that he chose was his title but I did not hear anything else about
it in the paper. There were some sentences that were from outside sources so I talked to him to
let him know that this paper was not really for citing information yet, just answering the six
questions given to us. The peer was able to take my corrections and understand why I changed
what I did and I am glad that I was able to give my help on the paper.

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