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Falcon 1

Meghan Falcon
Professor Coco
English 1001
4 December 2015
My audience: people interested in reading others
I chose reading people as my line of text because this topic really interested me. I felt like
learning to read and understand what people are saying just through there expressions of actions
was a helpful tool to know. The group conference made me realize that I needed to pick a video
that I was able to look at and interpret expressions on. I chose the testimony of Bill Clinton after
the affair with Monica Lewinsky. These video had a lot of expressions, body language, and tone
to interpret about Bill Clintons lying.
The corrections I made to my essay was fixing my conclusion paragraph. I also fixed
some grammatical mistakes I had. I feel the strengths in my paper is the focus. I feel the
weakness in my paper might be the development, the repetition of words, and grammatical
errors. At this stage in working on my GAP I have discovered that reading people is a very nice
skill to have and learn about.

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Lies Bill Clinton told America
I became interested in learning to read people after I watched a show called Lie to Me.
The show caused me to do research about how to tell when people are lying and when people are
telling the truth. Through the research I have done you can tell a lot about a person by looking at
their expressions, their body language, and listening to how they answer questions when you are
talking to them. In my future career as a lawyer, I am going to need to be able to read people.
Through watching videos of Bill Clintons testimony to the grand jury about Monica Lewinsky, I
was able to see how a person can lie to keep the truth from coming out and hurting people.
The story of Bill Clinton and the lies he told about his affair with Monica Lewinsky is a
very popular topic in America. Bill Clinton, the forty-second president of the United States, lied
to the United States in his original public statements about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. In
1998, Bill Clinton was impeached (investigated) for perjury against the grand jury and
obstruction of justice because he lied to the grand jury about is affair with Monica Lewinsky. He
was cleared of the charges and was allowed to finish his term as president. After looking at the
video, I realized that in his testimony you can tell he is lying. Reading people is a good talent to
have so you can tell when people are trying to hide something or not. How can you tell Bill
Clinton is lying through the use of expressions, body language, and the way he answers the
questions to convey that he was lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky?
The video of Bill Clinton is the testimony he made to the grand jury about his
relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Looking at the video without sound you are able to
concentrate on the many expressions he made throughout his testimony. Bill Clinton is showing
he is lying through his expression of sadness. Also, he expresses anger at the lines of questions
this grand jury is asking. Bill Clintons lips at the corners seem to turn downward at the

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beginning which I would assume is a sign of sadness his actions. The corner of his eyebrows
seem to be drawn in which make it seem like he is sad about what these accusations have done to
his family and his country. His anger shows through when the grand jury keeps asking more and
more about what happened between him and Monica Lewinsky. His lips seem be to pressed
tightly together to hold back his anger and as the questions go on his nostrils seem to flare
proving that he angry that the jury is not believing his account of what happened. These
expressions prove to me that Bill Clinton was in fact lying about his relationship with Monica
In Bill Clintons testimony you can look at his body language and read that he is trying to
hide the truth. By looking at his hands, you can tell that he is lying and is really trying hard to get
the jury to believe what he is saying. Bill Clinton at the beginning has both hands in front of his
mouth and chin almost as if he is trying to hush himself from speaking the truth and thinking
really careful about what he is going to say next. He then removes his hands from his mouth and
puts them together above his lap as if he is hiding trying to keep his composure in the line of
questioning. Bill Clinton then puts both his hands in front of him again and leans forward on the
table as if he trying to create a bond with the grand jury and get them to believe what he is
saying. He leaves his hands on the table and as he is talking he seems to move them up and down
at every word he says. He wants them to believe that he is telling the truth and is trying to set the
record straight. Bill Clinton then grabs his drink and in this action you almost see a slight role of
the eyes as if he thinks these questions are beneath him. These are all signs that he is having
trouble hiding the truth, remembering his story that he is telling the world, and that he believes
this line of questioning is ridiculous or beneath him.

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The way Bill Clinton answers the questions is another indication that what he is saying to
the grand jury is not true. At the beginning he seems to divert and not want to answer the
questions at first which proves that he is trying hard to hide the indiscretion. Bill Clinton goes on
to say that he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky and that he is staying on his
former statement about that. In doing this he is restating the question which shows he trying to
prove to them that he is trying to tell the truth and convey to them that he did not do anything
with Monica Lewinsky. He also seems to be distancing himself from the accusations of having
an affair. When he is saying Im staying on my former statement about that he seems to
stumble over the words as if he is having trouble remembering what to say and having trouble
lying. Bill Clinton then goes on to say that he has not had sexual relations as defined by that. It
seems that he trying to prove to himself and to the world that what he is saying is true then after
this whenever the grand jury asks him a question he seems to get frustrated and tells them to
refer to his previous statement. Bill Clinton makes it seem like these questions are below him,
that they should believe what he saying, and it seems that he is trying to distance himself from
these accusations.
Bill Clintons actions during the line of questioning prove that what he is saying is not
true. Through the use of reading people you are able to tell a lot about a person and what they are
trying to hide. In reading Bill Clinton I can tell that he is trying to distance himself from what he
has done and Monica Lewinsky. He also seems to be trying to get the grand jury to believe what
he is saying even though he does not believe it himself. Through his expressions of sadness and
anger, the way he uses his hands, and the language he uses it proves that he is lying. Bill Clinton
seems to believe that these line of questions are completely ridiculous and less then him. Former

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President Bill Clinton later went on record to the world that he did in fact have sexual relations
with Monica Lewinsky proving that in fact he did lie to the grand jury and his country.

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