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Date: November 4, 2015

Time & place: 4:00 in my bed

Title: Homework
What, if any, prior beliefs, assumptions, preconceptions, ideas, or prejudices do you bring to the
IP subject? What personal experiences may have shaped your feelings/thoughts/ beliefs?
I believe that my topic can help law enforcement tell when people are lying. I believe that
this can be a very good skill for them to learn. Also, it could be a bad skill to learn because then
you will catch every lie even the ones your family tells. My personal beliefs that have shaped this
is through watching a television show called Lie to Me. The main character uses their ability to
solve crimes about people lying but can also tell when his employees, girlfriend, and daughter
lies to him. This creates major trust problems for the character and makes everyone annoyed with
him. I believe that reading people is hard and takes a lot of study but can be a helpful skill to
learn in certain situations.

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