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Successor to The Nebraska Bee Keeper. ‘A Monthly Journal devoted to Farm Bee Keeping, and other Minor Interests of Progressive Agriculture, Emerson Taylor Abbott, Editor and Proprietor. ae Published the 15th of each Month at St. Joseph, Mo. i By Industry We 2 HE Busy Burr. 2th Dadant’s Foundation. ae Why Does It Sell So Well? Because it has always given better satisfaction than any other Because IN 20 YEARS there have not been any complaints, but thousands of compliments. We Guarantee Satisfaction, What more can anybody do? Beauty, Purity, Firmuess. No Sagging. No Loss. Patent Weed Process of Sheeting. Send Name for Our Catalog, Samples of Foundation and Veil Material. We sell the best Veils, cotton or silk Bee-Keepers Supplies of All Kinds, LANGSTROTH ON THE HONEY-BEE--Revised. The Classic in Bee-Culture—Price, $1.25, by Mail. CHAS. DADANT & SON, Please mention The Busy Bee. HAMILTON, Hancock Co., ILL. prices oF Bingham Perfect Direct-Draft P RE AGEA Bee-Smokers and Honey Knives, largest smok- per doz, each Bee Smoker Smoke: aba Srmads (4 in, stove 81300- wall. #5 Do tor pees e = 1) Conqu:ror Large Plain Little Wonder... Honey Knite 4 All Bingham Smoice metal, patented, 18 ‘The’ four larger sizes have extra wide shields and double coiled stesl wire handles, ‘hes SHIELDS and HANDLES are an AMAZING COMPORT—always cool and clean. No more Sutty nor burnt fingers. ‘The Plain and Little Wonder have narrow shields and wire handles. All Binzh.m Smokers haye 1il the new improve: ments, viz: Dit Draft, Movable Bent Cap, Wire Haniles. Inverted Bellows, ani are ABSO: LUTHLY PERFECT, €$Pittesn years for a dollar. One-half a cent a month. 6.5 10) “wh ord seers 6.01 ¢ stamped on the nives B. & H. PATENTED 1878, 1982 and 1892. Cuba, Kansas, Jan. 27. 896, Dear Sir?—T have used the Conquerer If years. I was always well pleased with its workings, but thinking T would n ed a new one this summer, I write for acireular. Tdo not chink the four ineh “Smnoker Engine” too large. Yours, W.H BAcERty, Corning, Cal., July 14th, 1898, Thave used Bingham Smokers ever since tiey eame out | Workine from thres to Seven bund ed colonies twelve months in the yer. Tought to kn sw what is required in asmoker. ‘Ihe Doctor 3% invh just received fills the bill, Respectfully, 0, W, Ogporn. With a Bintham Smoker tht will hold a quart of sound maple wood the bee-keepsrs’ tri gre allovec for alon:time. Whoever heard of aBmeham Smoxer that was to: large or uid Not give perfect satisfaction ‘The world"s most scientific comb honey producers o| Wingham Smoxers ani Knives. ‘The same ix true of the world’s larzest producers of extrected Before buying a smoker or knife hunt up its re ord and pedimee Pla emantion The Basy Bee, F. BINGHAM, Farwell. Mich. | |

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