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Name: Aubrey Grygla Date: 12/4/2015 HLAG 1096 — Lifelong Wellness Application Paper Write a paragraph on each of the following: 1. What did you learn about “lifelong wellness” from taking this activity class? The Blagest thing i've learned from taking this class is that even the smallest changes can help. | hated excersize but I started small and I surprisingly got a lot better at things just in the six weeks of doing it. | have also learned how to track my eating habits and what changes | can make to improve my health. How would you apply this information to your life? I can apply this by continuing to make better choices food wise. | am a lot more aware of what i'm putting into my body and the effects it can have on my health. | am also going to keep moving my body even if | don't become the most fit person in the world 3. What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why? My intention is to continue to excercise and to continue to increase my excersize. While it's still not my favorite thing to do | do like the way | fee! when | am done 4, General ideas for improving this course? | thought the corse was wondertul. | learned a lot and took away so much great information.

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