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Common Name: Asian Citrus Psyllid

Scientific Name: Diaphorina citri
Region or Origin and Year of Introduction: Southern Asia, 1998
State or Body of Water where first discovered: Imported plants in Florida
Transport How is it spread: Movement of several nursery plants
Identification: 3-4 mm, live for 1-2 months, shape of head causes body to be at 45 degree angle
when bent to eat
Similar Species:
Pictures of Species with unique identification tips and life cycle:

Small insects (3-4 mm)

Egg to 5 nymphal instar stages to adult
Distribution Map:

Habitat Characteristic as diet, behavior, niche, species displacement, trophic level: Injects a
salivary toxin on plants while it feeds. Toxin causes malformation of leaves and shoots.

Ecological Impacts: Damages citrus plants by feeding on sap, vector for citrus greening disease
Biological Impacts: Decline in citrus production
Economic Impacts: Decline in citrus production affects industry
Human Health Impacts: NONE
Control Methods: Fed on by parasites, Admire (systemic insecticide) & neonicotinoid/
Laws or Regulations: Federal Initiatives and Plans
IPM (integrated pest management) practices developed to prevent damage

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