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English PMR program 2011

Promoting the use of English at school :


: To expose students on the use of English on a certain day and encourage

the students to speak in English confidently and not be shy. Students
should not only focus on the examination aspect of English and should
have a basic grasp of their speaking skills.

English Day

: Carried out every Monday by the teacher on duty during the morning
assembly for 15 minutes.

Learn a word a day : Students will be given a word a day to learn and each class monitor will
be in charge to take the word and write the word on the corner of the black
board. It is the teachers duty to inculcate the word into their teaching and
make the students understand and memorise the word.
English Camp

: Targeted students will have the opportunity to go to the English Camp

that will be held outside the school compounds. For 3 days, students will
be exposed to English not only to develop their speaking skills but also to
help students to learn the techniques in answering the questions for the
PMR examination.

Examination aspect :
Dawn Test

: Will be held once a week to help students familiarize students with the
examination format and help them time themselves accordingly to the
exact time given. This will help students to answer more confidently in the

Standardizing materials for revision and extra classes:

The materials used especially for writing and grammar will be
standardized by using the same module which will help teachers achieve
the same goal.
Question bank

: A question bank has also been done by the teachers to collect all the
questions that will be used by the students to prepare themselves for the

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