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Levins 1

Ashley Levins
Mr. King
English 1
4th Period
2 September, 2015
I am from towering blue giants, speckled with evergreen and peaked with white,
Too many shades of green racing by in a blur to create a mural, the canvas stretching wide
I am from drifting into a wondrous state
To find what lies further beyond the brush
I am from the vicarious pleasure of hearing of beauty,
Imagining my own as perfection
Soft, thin hair falling daintily and carelessly over narrow shoulders
And untouched lips too innocent to tell

I am from rain batting down, the dampness reaching its fingers through the partially open garage
Where curious creatures taunt the rhythm

Levins 2
I am from after the storm,
Where sidewalks are scented of meekness and stale rain
I am from plush white, glistening even without light, numbing my skin
The long nails of its partner pinching every inch of me

I am from the long line of wood, stained with burnt orange,

Lining the border between comfort and freedom,
Separating yours and mine
I am from the bodyguards of comfort, standing tall against the sea of green blades
The Maples large hands able to handle anything
The Pines, rough and intimidating, let no one pass
The Spruces, underestimated with daggers of fading blue

I am from the Garden of Edens sharp air, which beholds the poison of Basil,
Able to weaken the resistance to pick some and let it melt bitterly on the tongue
I am from the loop we stood on, which allowed for infinite circles of cycling
To escape the endless circling would lead to the familiar rows of housing

Levins 3

I am from the Do as youre told!S and Dont lie!S

The broccoli that sat cold and crumbs of zucchini bread scattered across my plate
I am from the often visits of rough-spoken Grandpa and Grammy,
And imagining the lines of wisdom on my own skin
I am from the suddenly too small twin bed,
Surrounded by insect-lined walls, the many bugs and worms watching me with their glossy black
I am from Boos door, the plug between another world and mine
And the routine of waiting for darkness to fall frigidly against my deception of night
The angst of awaiting the creatures, which were to taunt me with shadows and small growls,
Twisting my thoughts into the realm of abnormality

I am from the gift of responsibilitys burden,

The inescapable, unstoppable one way train,
Which holds the high-waters and abandoned habits
I am from the eyes that have seen too much.

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