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Diane Ocaranza

Professor Franklin
Course HD 497
26 September 2015
Life is a one-time gift bestowed on a human being. Being that as humans we only
live once, why not make life easier on each other by collaborating with one another and
ultimately respecting each other as a ground rule for humans all over the world. In many
ways I do my best to have common courtesy for my brothers and sisters of this world. I
cannot go out in the world cursing as a mean of communication, or putting negative vibes
on others that have done nothing to me. I understand that we all go through different
phases in life, and some are just calling us to mature as fast as we can, in a way that
perhaps comes in an eruptive manner. And this eruptive phase might take a little
adjusting; nevertheless, when facing such phase in life does not validate why we should
take our frustration and discomfort out on other individuals or animals that have done
nothing to us.
I truly believe that if individuals act in negative ways towards others, those same
negative actions will bring detrimental consequences at one point or another in their life.
Hence, karma is absolutely something I believe in. My belief system consists of amicable
relations, genuine conversations, profound understanding of each other, and deep
consideration for others. One of my utmost philosophies in life is RESPECT! Without
respect in the world, calls for chaos and destruction come in place.

I believe that with respect everyone in the world is able to live freely and fearless.
Respect impedes anyone of pigeon-mindedness mentality to impose their set of values
on others who perhaps live more of an enriched life-style. In a perfect world of course,
everyone would engage in anti-bias education, better yet every educational establishment
would teach and guide its curricula through an anti-bias system of learning for every
community. Thus, disregarding community demographics, socio-economic status,
religious beliefs, or political stance. Schools should not be biased, because when biased
we are creating systems of hatred and intolerance for those who are different to us, or
different to what these educational institutions teach.
We cannot go through society trying to implement ideas of tolerance, love for all,
and we are all one in the same, when reality teaches us that equality has to be fought for,
that love has to be earned, that respect is only given when the ego is not jeopardized, that
image value lies on top of any other value, and that money is the one treasure we all
have to learn to seek, protect, and conserve which ever way possible. Thus, besides our
homes, schools should be places where as childrenstudents we learn to strip away from
all the negative teachings, and adopt proper learning of the world, cultures, diversities,
human nature, and anti-bias philosophies.

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