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The politics of poverty. This is true, since the government has to have
something in return, or something to gain back, they have to/obliged
continually support those who are rich, or the haves because they
have the means to give back to the government.
Poverty and the economy. One example of this is evident in hospitals
and in the medical world. Doctors here in the Philippines nowadays
respond more to and immediately prioritize whoever has the means to
have a patient treated even if it is just a minor injury, than those who
have barely enough to buy vitamin C for their children who are
suffering from chronic cough episodes.
Patterns of family life. This is dependent on the case for students who
graduated from the rural areas with excelling marks than those from
the urban schools who graduated with just passing marks. Employment
opportunities nowadays are like this: a fresh graduate of the former
would more likely be offered a lower position than the latter regardless
of his/her transcript of records because of the name of the school, or
the prestige it holds.
The culture of poverty. The phrase Poverty is in the mind is
applicable in this paragraph. How can a poor person rise up from
poverty if he/she does not get out of the mindset that he/she will be
poor for the rest of his/her life (psychological), seek help from people
who could assist him/her (social) in finding ways for him/her to earn a
living to be out of the poverty line (economic)?
Disparagement and discrimination. This is self-explanatory in that,
again, it comes down to a persons mindset about being poor/being
within the poverty line in order to stand for him/herself, gain selfrespect, and not be discriminated again. One should know that poverty
is not genetic, nor is it passed on throughout generations. Rather
(personally), it is a condition one places him/herself when seeking
alternatives/means in order to earn a living to get by everyday is not
being done at all even though opportunities are already being
presented. And that grave dependence towards the government in
order to be fed, clothed, and sheltered is the only thing one does in
order to feel secure.

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