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Title: Is Social Media Good or Bad for Society?

By: Amanya Salmon

Date: November 22, 2015

Social Media being a hot topic in todays society and the effects of it is a great debate. Whether
its a good thing or bad thing for society now and how it will shape society later. Taking a look at
Facebook, which is one form of social media, can provide information on how social media can
be good for society.
Facebook itself cant be deemed as bad or good. Facebook is just the middleman or the delivery
of someones message. Take a look at, its a debate website that talks about pros and cons of certain things and this link talk
about whether or whether not Facebook is good for society.
Facebook is seen as something that is good. It can help many reach distant relative and rekindle
an old love. It helps the ones that cannot be near their loved ones to video chat and talk more
often than before. Yes, there is a drawback to Facebook, for example, the use of cyber bully.
However, the same Facebook that help in cyber bully is the same Facebook that other use to find
out who was doing the cyber bullying. Also, you have the terrorist group that sometimes use
Facebook to communicate back and forth, and that same Facebook is where the government can
find that information and stop an attack before it happens.
To conclude, even with the drawback of Facebook, it still provides good service to society. The
service can range from business promotions to education's promotion and anything in between.
From anything bad that Facebook helps put out, it can always turn around and use for the good.

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