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| Manchasda, Eeq. da Law off. 7 Stale Strean suite 130 Kew York, New vor 10 eu: 1212) 968-8600 (217) 9e8-8604 PELe DETAINED ax SRTMENT OF CUSTIC! STOR FOR IMMTGRATZON REV Lith MRIGRATION COURT NER YORS, NEN YORE EXECUTLYE 0. “n the Ketter cf IN REMOVAL PROCEZDINGS L Alien Ko Honorable Mulligar 201 vast Room 1146 New York, N¥ 1¢C14 Srreet RESPONSENT’ $ FRQJEST FOR RELEASE 04 RECOGNIZANCE OR IN TF RLTERNETIV? A REASONABLE BOND AMCUNT cul a haada, Fed. Manchaada Law Office State Street saite 4OCe fa Dk LNE vork, New fo=k 19004 el: (212: 268-8609 ax: (212) 568-86 cx TED SUAVES DZEARTMANL Ok JUSUCE TYP OFF7CR FOR IMMIGRATION REV TAMECRATICN COURL mY YORK, NEW YORX Eo Ia the werner of WAL PROCEEDINGS RESPONDENT’ § REQUEST FOR RELEASE ON RECOGNIZANCE OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE A REASONABLE BOND AMOUNT + Ubrough his MANCUARIA LAW OFFICE PLLC, and wove: this able Court ta zelease the detained ca ais awr: guia: cx at the leat issue a bl2 bord arioual. Ta supyert ef Lhis mollon, Rosgondeal slates th rouga, counsel as follow exer inte cus anforcement (°2Ck”) tganed a Moki To Appear alleging him te be renovab™ sot a the time cf his arrest, (CR refused to Whe respondert has hac @ bend heasing to date, dhe hag act veceived any notification that he ia Fave sack a hearirg in cae immediate Suture 6, A noneitizen deveined and caarged wlth sciag may bs releascd en bond or parole. =NA $236. Uhe respondent ts aet subject to LNA 236(c} because he Has me criminal conv: hat would sublect him to mandats detenzion, As a result, ino provisiens of INA ¢ 236(2) Waller of Adenjt, Tat 13417 iBT 19991. Pursuant to INR 296 al, the ICE should not detain is a risk he will avscerd, ue poses ¢ ger Lo persons or property, or le poses a r’sk = national securily. Matler of Adenji, Int. Sec. || 2427 (Bis Te N Dec. 666 (BIA-L dons srovide that after issuance cf a warzant of arres advise a aor-citizen about Lhe ecouns ane cl which he of she may be released, and that he or she may apply =o the immigrazica ame or modilicalion of eoadilions of releese. dge Loz © Fa, $8236.17 and 3.19, ea en should receive a ng within rable Lime afer asserting righl Lo such a rearing. The vequlations ard Lhe cess las require @ prompt uustedy redetermisation. 7. in Mazter of spiliopoules, 15 IsN sel (SIA 1978), Lhe STA co ognized employnent history, lengs> of resid: lanily ties, and absence of immigration vielatiors ae bord factors hecause Lhey are incdtcacors of whether a person is ikely to appear 15 Isak 235 (BIA 13753, seperlalion was © te the Court hie velief fron depertation én che form of poliltesl asylum, # hardship waiver, and the eancellalion of remavel, 211 of which ing him on receqrizaace or setting = @ Minin: amount within ais means cad those of ais family =c post on bis behalf; leagth of residence; community ties; absence of sign! ficart criminal hiscory; absence of imnigca-ier. vioictione; reliasility; and moral characlez. These factors warrant either releasirg him oa rocegeizance e selling a bond Lo Lhe tinima. exeunk aia ais means ead nis family to pest on his bebal>. 3. The respordent ertered the Unices States without beiag admitted or inspected upon iaformavion eqd belief approximetely 12 years ago when he was in his tees. ¢. The respondent is engaged Lo his Us Citizer girlfefend upem information and belief. They plan te na very soon. The respondent has lived in Yow Yorx for a loag @ with his 03 Cit’ zen anc LewlUl permanent resident family. Upon release from cuscedy, the respondent wl reside wilt ot. The respondent kas neen ape irfornation and belief employed “or y if respondent continues to de detained withon: cypentanity for a hearicg at wich he night demonst= appropriateness of vetting a bend necessary to assure his 1 suffer a appearance at fatuze proceedings, be ty in betng detained wit 5 abi_ity to prouptly and offechively orepere nis defense Lo .ne charges against nis will be delayed avd prejudiced. WHBRERORK, She cespondent moves thet ae be schoduies for a bond rececernination hearing before an imrigration judge on Auget “7, 9015 at 1 PM of at ary sarlier availasle Line. Dated: Augast 11, 2915 Respectfully Rahal Hanchanca, Esq. Manchands Law Of Poe 17 Suete Street — Suize 1006 hew Yor, New York “904 {212} 968-8609 Fax: (212) 968-8601 nda, do hereby affirm ciet I scent a copy of Zoregoing RREPONDEK #2 REQK FOR 30ND OR ROR co The = of Homeland Securily’s OffLce of Chie: 12lh Floor, vew york § Rahul Manciiada, Esq. ARUMENY OF TOSTICE FOR INMCKALLON HV IM? TSMIGRATTCK COURT NOR YORK, NER YORK Ta the fatter of: per Consiveration of the Resperdent’s REQUEST FOR RELEASE OM BC 92 BOWD, it £s S=REBY ORDERED that the motion be 7 GRAKTED / U DENIEC vecaus: DES dees not oppase che mation O the zespenden: does act oppose che rottor [le response to 752 motion has not beer. filed with .1e soart. x the notion. skated in the O Good cause hag beer eszablished Ocvhe court agrees with che reasci ogvesilion Lo the motion. Dvhe nolioa is untinely per = The applications! for relief mst be filed b: “She respondent must comp y with the DHa bioretrice Certificate of Service umieal way served bys [ ] Wall [ ]pezsonal service en [ ] Alien ¢/o Custodial [ 1 Alien’s AcLy/ By: Court staff

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