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Time management.

There are 10 resources to help teachers manage their time. It indicates that
theres a teachers help sheet- procrastination. They understand procrastination
well enough putting off till tomorrow what could be done today, but they
dont always appreciate it. There are three kinds of procrastination and
teachers have to know the difference between them due to the fact that each
requires a different response.
-False Procrastination
-Logical procrastination
-Emotional Procrastination
The false procrastination according to the TM4T Series of Supplementary Time
Management is that they set themselves more tasks than what they can really
do. Sometimes you set yourself to do eleven and you could only do ten, this
one deferral does not indicate a deeply-seated flaw in your personality its just
telling you that your kind of busy. So next time plan the ones that you are sure
you are going to do.
The logical and emotional are difficult to tease apart but first lets talk about
the logical: The logical procrastination is deciding logically when to do our work
problem, arise when we do not apply simple logic, but instead substitute
emotion. The simple act of categorization will enable to identify and remove
the barrier. For others well, if there is a serious emotional blockage or phobia
involved, more specialist professional help may be needed.
There are activities that we simply dislike doing, even though we know they are
necessary, sometimes we are afraid of a failure or a subconscious fear of
success and dont do them, but we need to toughen up and simply do it. Often
small tasks are merely steps toward some greater goals, so we have to be
logical, not emotional in assessing your underlying reasons for delay while
acknowledging the emotions themselves.
The stubborn assertiveness is fearing that it may be interpreted as weakness or
inferiority. In this case the answer is to mentally dissociate the task from any
status related issues and to deal with them separately.
The reluctance to defer pleasure in the students its obvious and the teachers
notice that they always leave what they have to do just to be keeping having
fun. For a teacher the pleasure is well hidden.
For elements of confrontation your course of action is simple: stop doing
subconsciously and start doing it consciously. Its usually absolutely the right
thing to do; always pause and consider before you cause offense. Then do it.

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