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Chienfu Chang

ENG 112-54
Professor Intawiwat
Extended Inquiry Reflection
For the final topic, I knew only a little about it based on my own personal experiences. It dealt
with money and happiness. I brought in my own experiences of financial hardships and how it
affected my happiness. The process involved a lot of changing around. I changed my topic a
few times which involved changing around my sources. I have done somewhat similar work. I
have written papers which required sources to support my claims. However, I have never done a
three part assignment. It was my first time doing a proposal and an annotated bibliography. It
also my first time writing reflections. The only problem I encountered was probably the constant
switching in my topic due to a lack of data or unbiased information.
I enjoyed writing this assignment. It was not my favorite, but I still got to tell my story. I used
my personal experiences to further support my claim. I did not like doing the proposal or the
annotated bibliography, but I do see the importance of it. I just did not enjoy the tedious work.
The only frustrating thing about this assignment was looking for sources. It just required hours
of constant reading, and most of the time reading through assignments that had no real value to
my topic. That was pretty much the only frustrating part to this assignment.

I believe most people did their work the same way I did. The only difference was probably the
end goal of the assignment. I decided to turn my assignment into a memoir. Others may have
gone a different route, like a power point presentation or a news article. If I were a teacher, I
would just question the constant switching in topics. What the reason was, why I decided to put
on the extra stress of switching topics. If I were a teacher, it would be kind of hard to give a
value to this piece of work. As the student who did the assignment, I put in a lot of effort in
completing the assignment and believe that I did the best that I could do.
If I had the chance to change this piece, I would probably just try to stick to one topic instead of
switching around. It was frustrating looking for sources and in the end I changed my topic. It
felt like wasted time and stress. Other than that, I wouldnt really change anything else. I ended
up finding the perfect topic in which I could tell my story. I dont think there anything else that I
would have rather done. Although some of the project was tedious and frustrating, it was
necessary and a good learning experience.

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