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-Graphene is a sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb-like pattern that is just

one atom thick.
According to recent studies, graphene is the strongest material ever measured, and also
the stiffest, and its current density is a million times that of copper.
it can be applied onto versatile substrates including soft materials.

Graphene-based nanomaterials hold a lot of potential in energy-related areas.

according to the nanowerk website:
- Graphene improves both energy capacity and charge rate in rechargeable batteries
activated graphene makes superior supercapacitors for energy storage
Graphene has great potential to be used for low-cost photovoltaic devices. It is
flexible, highly efficient, high carrier mobility, and due to its excellent electrontransport properties.
Graphene is an ideal 2D material which can be assembled into film electrodes with
good transparency, high conductivity, and low roughness."

Graphene has characteristics of chemical stability, high electrical conductivity, and
large surface area, graphene has been proposed as a competitive material for
supercapacitor applications.
"In contrast to the conventional high-surface-area materials, the effective surface area
of graphene materials as capacitor electrodes does not depend on the distribution of
pores in a solid state, which is different from the current supercapacitors fabricated with
activated carbons and carbon nanotubes. Obviously, the effective surface area
Graphene materials should depend highly on the layers. Single- or few-layered
With less agglomeration, graphene should be expected to exhibit a higher effective
surface area which results in better supercapacitor performance.

- nanotechnology

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