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Brendan Valentine


23 YO Asian female
Diagnosed with gestational diabetes with 26 weeks gestation
Ht: 53
Wt: 162 lbs
BMI: 25.7
Wt prior to pregnancy: 130 lbs
110% IBW prior to pregnancy
Blood glucose readings over past week: 130 160 mg/dL
Experiencing GERD while pregnant
No meds.
1750-1850 kcal/day estimated needs
Believes eating for two means eating double what she would normally
Eating Pattern:
o Breakfast
o Snack
o Lunch
o Snack
o Dinner
Craves Carbohydrates
Estimated 15 carbohydrates needed per day
Notices GERD symptoms after eating spicy foods

Excessive oral intake related to food and nutrition related knowledge deficit as
evidenced by 32 lb weight gain, 130-160 mg/dL blood glucose readings, and belief
of eating double to account for pregnancy

Instruct on 1750-1850 kcal/day estimated needs which would account for

herself and the baby. Not truly eating for two.
Teach how to carb count and how to spread carbs throughout her meals in
order to eliminate high spikes throughout the day. 15 Carbs per day.
Exercise in reading food labels so that she is able to look at the foods shes
consuming and be able to count the containing carbs.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Monitor labs
Monitor weight changes

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