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Harrison 1

Halle Harrison
Section 29
Professor Fielding
December 6, 2015
This semester with my first college writing/ english class has been quite a memorable
experience for me. Trying to get used to the ways of college life while also managing my social
life, getting the proper amount of sleep, and my commitment to being an MRD. A couple of
times I thought that I wouldn't be able to do it. Some times (most of the time) I would come to
class running on six hours of sleep or less. It has been a while since Ive been this concerned
about my grades in years, not that I am never not concerned. But in some ways I am glad that
this class presented me with this challenge and a professor who has helped me grow as a writer. I
have had trouble with the mechanics of writing since elementary school. So, having feedback
this semester from both my peers and teacher has been very helpful indeed, I felt like it gave me
better insight on what other people see what I write that I miss. One of the lessons that I will
definitely use is APA citing since I am thinking about majoring in Psychology, even I decide not
to major I think it is still very useful to have the knowledge on. Some of my strengths when I
write are descriptions, I find that I am able to describe things very well but on the flip side I need
to work on my wordiness. Its the ongoing struggle. Over coming the struggles of writing, Ive
listened to the suggestions that my peers have had and Ive tried to look back over my work after
taking a break from it before correcting it if there was time. But despite this Ive enjoyed my
time in this class and thankful for the experience.

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