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Digital Literacy in the 21st Century Project

EDCI 270 Julia Jeng

Due: 9/9/2015
Part 1 Response back to Julie
Digital literacy is simply about using technology purposefully. It is a skill and knowledge of
how to use a board range of digital devices such as computer, laptop, smartphone, tablets and so
forth. In the 21st century, people are using digital devices almost every moment such as reading
news from smartphones, using laptops to work, or using power point to present work. It is an
essential skill in 21st century.
Because of digital literacy, we can work and receive information moment to moment
without time lag. Nowadays, schools are updating their curriculum for digital literacy, and
teachers are also required to be digital literate. There are numerous ways of teaching with
technological tools. Couse materials can be put on the website which students can access and
study by themselves whenever they want. Students can also take quizzes or tests online.
Homework can be done online and students can get the answers right after they submit their
Digital literacy is so important because it is convenient and theres no time or places limit.
You can receive information whenever it is and wherever you are. If you want to be a better
teacher to help your future students to gain these skills, you will have to make yourself digital
literate fist, and then use those skills in class, so students will be familiar with those skills and
might learn from you.
Part 2 Video and note
Note: This video is talking about the importance of the 21th century devices, and how people use
them in life. Later on, it focuses on how people use these devices in education in different
countries. Learning can happen anyway and everywhere.
Key area of the video: 1:27-2:44

Part 3 workshop + screencast link

Information Linked

Link to other websites

Link to other diagrams and pictures

Draw Attention






Quizlet-Connecting teacher and students online (flashcards, quiz gameetc.)

Software and Website

E-learning, Blackboard, LON-CAPA (Homework, Test, course content)

Power Point, Prezi

Word, word pad

IMovie (iPhone), Movie Maker (Microsoft Windows), Animoto

Change is Necessary


More Information

Learn at anywhere and anytime

Link of screencast:

Part 4 one-page written narrative of this project

o In relation to technology, what are the primary skills a teacher will need to be effective in
the 21st Century?
In 21st Century, teachers are required to have the ability to use technology in the classroom,
and also let students be involved. More concretely, for example, in the past, teachers tend to use
black board and white board to teach, but now teachers should have the ability to work
efficiently with technological devices. Power Point is one of the most common software. Take
Power Point for instance, teachers can prepare the power point before teaching classes, and
also upload it onto a website which students can access and preview or gain information about
courses. Being able to deal with software is an essential skill for teachers and also students.
Teachers should always stay new. They are required to learn using new software, equipment,
or strategies. These are some primary skills teachers will need. With only teachers own resource,
theres a limit for students to learn; yet using other resources might widen students ability to
learn more.
o What difficulties will teachers without 21st Century skills encounter in today's
teaching/learning environment?
There will be difficulties that teachers without 21st century skills have to encounter in
todays teaching and learning environment. Teachers who are not up to date will be unable to
relate courses to students. Also, they will have difficulties in providing chances for students to
gain additional information and knowledge through other resources. Students are growing up in
21st century world, and with nowadays technology. If teachers are not able to use the technology,
students cannot relate the course content to their own experience and their daily life, which
makes learning more difficult. Students will also lose interest and attention in the boring and
tedious lessons; this can also lead to the ineffectiveness of learning.
o In what ways are the ISTE Teacher standards a roadmap for you as you develop skills to
teach in the 21st Century?
The ISTE Teacher standards play as a role of roadmap for me as I develop skills to teach in
the 21st century. It outlines the ability that teachers are required to have, which provide me the
skills that I should focus on developing. The ISTE Teacher standards include facilitating and
inspiring student learning and be creative, designing and developing digital literacy, modeling
digital age work and learning, promoting and modeling digital citizenship and responsibility, and
engaging in professional growth and leadership. Among the points that are outlined, there are
many details which allow me to have a clear comprehension. The ISTE Teacher standards will
help teachers, including me, to teach effectively in the 21st century.

o Today, when it comes to teaching and learning, why is there so much emphasis put on the
access and use of technology? Is this always a good thing? Why or why not?

Nowadays, people emphasis the using of technology. The main reason is that teaching and
learning work more efficiently in this way. Technology provides us instant information, and also
creates a platform for individuals to gather new knowledge. Technology brings convenience to
people. However, it is not always a good thing. When we use it massively and excessively, we
might lose ability in handwriting since we always type on the computer. Also, theres so much
wrong information or knowledge on the Net while the books are more accurate. If we only and
too much rely on the information we get on Internet, we might absorb too much wrong
knowledge. We should be able to use technology effectively, but we will have to build up a
stronger ability to judge the things we learn from it.

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