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Ch 6

General Factorial Experiments 2^^K

Go to STAT>DOE>Create Factorial(Default generators)>Select no of factors>Click
Design>Choose No. of replicates>OK>OK
Blocking and Confounding
1)Blocking by Replication
Go to STAT>DOE> Create Factorial(Default generators)>Select no. of factors>Click
Design>Choose no. of replicates>Choose no. of blocks>OK>OK
2)Blocking by Confounding
Go to STAT>DOE> Create Factorial(Specify generators)>Select no. of factors>Click
Design>Choose no. of replicates>Then click Generators>Click in the belwo box Define
blocks by lisitng their generators e.g. ABCD>OK>OK
3) Partial Confounding
For Partial Confounding repeat the above procedure for each generator e.g. ABC, and then
for BC>Then copy the the excel file of the second generator to first excel sheet and change
the blocks numbering from 33333 and 44444.>Then go to stat>DOE>Defien Custom factorial
design>Specify factors>Check Low/High>Designs>Then Clikc>SPecif blocks by colum>Sleect
blocking colum>OK>OK
2nd Method (Example 7.3)
First Generate Sheet by the above method>Then add another column titled replications and
name block 1 and 2 to replication 1 and 3rd and 4th block in replication 2>Click
STAT>ANOVA>General Linear Model>Select Response Colum>Go to Model>In mOdel first
select replication then blocks(replications) then factors and their interactions.
Fractional 2-Level Factorial
Example 8.1
Go to STAT>DOE>Create Factorial Design>2-Level Factor(Specify Generator>Choose no. of
factor =Total-1=e.g. 4-1=3 Choose 3>Click Designs>Full Factorial>Genrators>Add factors to
the base deign>Write D=ABC>OK>OK
Go to STAT>DOE>Create Factorial Design>2-Level Factorial(Defaulat generaor>Choose no of
factors=4>1/2 Fraction>OK>Factors>Each factor miniumum should be -1 and maximum


GO to Stat>ANOVA>General Linear Model>Select Response in Response Tab>Then For
blocks, use the main factor black, press space, then next level factor within bracket first
factor>Then random factor is second factor.

For 3 or more factors in nesting, use balanced anova model.

GO to Stat>ANOVA>Balanced Model>Response, Slect reposne column> Then in
blocking>type layout fixture layout*fixture operator(layout) fixture* operator(layout)>
random factor is operator> go to options>click restriced mode>OK


2-Factors & 2 Levels for each Factor Design Setup
Factor A has hard to change levels and is of less importance and has 2 replicates while Factor
B is more important and has only 1 replicate.
Go to STAT>DOE>Factorial>Select 2-Level Split-Plot(hard-to-change)>No. of factors=2>Click
Design>Select hard to change factors=1>No. of whole plot replicates=2>No. of subplot
replicates: 1>OK>OK

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