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In 'My Documents' (usually at C:\users\YOURNAME\documents) there should be a fol

der named 'Command and Conquer Generals Data' or 'Command and Conquer Generals Z
ero Hour Data', which was put there when you installed the game. You need to cr
eate a text file using notepad and save it into this folder. However, you must
click 'save as' and change the type drop-down box from text file (.txt) to 'all
files'. Then save the file as 'options.ini'
Before you save, paste this text into the file to get you started:
AntiAliasing = 1
BuildingOcclusion = yes
DrawScrollAnchor =
DynamicLOD = no
ExtraAnimations = yes
GameSpyIPAddress =
Gamma = 50
IPAddress =
IdealStaticGameLOD = High
LanguageFilter = true
MaxParticleCount = 5000
MoveScrollAnchor =
MusicVolume = 55
Resolution = 1024 768
Retaliation = yes
SFX3DVolume = 79
SFXVolume = 71
ScrollFactor = 50
SendDelay = no
ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes
ShowTrees = yes
StaticGameLOD = Custom
TextureReduction = 0
UseAlternateMouse = no
UseCloudMap = yes
UseDoubleClickAttackMove = no
UseLightMap = yes
UseShadowDecals = yes
UseShadowVolumes = yes
VoiceVolume = 100
This is simply how the game remembers what options you picked (music volume, bri
ghtness and the like) and you can change them once the game is running using th
e options menu.
Now the key bits - firstly, make sure that you have full read/write permissions
for the Command and Conquer Generals Data folder - do this by right clicking on
the folder, then properties then the security tab and change the permissions fo
r all users. It might also be worth making sure no files are "Read-Only" in tha
t folder.
Then change the game's compatibility mode by right clicking on the game in the s
tart menu, clicking on properties and then the Compatibility tab. I used the "C
hange settings for all users" button at the bottom and changed to Windows XP (SP
3), as well as checking the "Run as administrator box".
Hey presto! It worked, debunking the myth that C&C Generals will not run on 64 b
it systems (as some people have been saying). In fairness, I haven't tried onli
ne multiplayer yet, just a few skirmishes.
Good Luck!

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