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Problem: A virus spread that causes people to become zombies. My group

and I will take refuge in a Costco

Hunter- For my historical event I researched when the solar panel was
invented. What I need to know for this is the best way to face the solar panel
so that it will get the most sunlight throughout the day.
Step By Step: By day three I will have gotten a solar panel by day 6 I will
have a radio. By day 9 I will have started wiring the radio to the solar panel
and by day 12 I will be done. My final project will be a radio powered by a
solar panel.

Brook- For my historical event I researched how people react during a crisis
and how police/ authority defused the situation. What I need to know to keep
the community together is what tactics are best to stop riots, violence, and
find out what the best way to calm people down in tense situation and to join
together to fight a common cause.
Step By Step: By day three I will have questions to ask the jail house
guards/ police. By day 6 I will have the interview done. By day 9 I will start
working on the interview video/ how to display my interview. By day 12 I will
still be working on the final product. By day 15 I should be done. My final
product will be a video of the interview and some extra points or a poster


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