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Computer Technology

Microsoft Word 2010

Lesson 8
Lesson 8:
In this lesson you will master the following concepts in Word:

Outline Formatting
Track changes
Hard return

You will review the following concepts:

Letter formatting
Pull up the Assignment 8 Starter.
1. Save & add a footer
a. Save the document with your initials in the file name.
b. Add a triple footer with your name on the left and your period on the right.
c. In the center, add the file name. Do this by going to
Header&Footer>Quickparts>Field and choose filename from the list.
2. Outline
a. Add a hard break at the end of the first page. We will come back to the letter
b. On your new second page, create the outline as shown at the bottom of this
assignment sheet.
i. Use shapes and Word Art
ii. Use the font of your choice
iii. Bold where it is bolded.
iv. Remember to use Tab and Shift Tab to go up and down in levels.
v. Use layers to make sure the horizontal shape is on top of the vertical
c. Send this page via DropBox before going on to the next part.
3. Letterhead
a. Add a letterhead to the first page in the header.
b. Use the following address:
JB Industries
478 Galavan Way
By Megan Rees

Little Rock, AR 87484

c. Use the JB Industries logo in the letterhead
d. Highlight the entire header and CUT it
e. Check the Different first page box in the header ribbon.
f. Re-paste it back on page one. Now your header will only appear on page 1.
4. Track Changes This letter is not formatted correctly. You will fix the formatting, but
track your changes so others can see what you fixed.
a. Go to Review, and click on Track Changes.
b. Fix all errors in spacing, spelling, punctuation, etc.
c. Watch as Word tracks each change you make!
d. To review how to format a letter, refer to the Lesson 6 video
e. There are about 23 errors!
5. Save with a new name.
a. If you have an extra page, turn off Track Changes and delete the extra page.
Send via DropBox

By Megan Rees

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