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Nathan Latka
Mrs. Townley
Composition period 1
28 August 2015
Personal Statement Essay A lesson to be learned

I believe in working hard and dedicating myself to achieve my full potential. My parents
have always told me, you have so much potential to do great things. Back then I didn't even
know what that meant and I'm not sure if I fully understand what my potential is today. What am
I capable of? I'd like to say I'm capable of anything, but I have to be realistic. To me, fulfilling
my full potential is to achieve happiness for myself and then others. I enjoy hockey and would
like to go pro, along with every other kid who plays the game. However, if anyone wants to play
at the pro level they pretty much have to stand at the very least 6 feet tall. I, standing at a
whopping 5'7", fall just short of that benchmark. I like to skateboard as well, but making a living
that way seems impossible especially because I've only been doing it for a few years.
Even though I'm not the best at hockey and skateboarding, I can still learn from them.
Whenever I'm not skating on the ice, I'm skating in the streets--always progressing, constantly
improving. The reason I love skating is because there is no fixed goal or objective. It is endless
progression, built on self-confidence, and rewards the self-motivated. There is no coach in
skateboarding to constantly push the skater to do better. The only person who can make me better
is myself. No matter how good anyone is, they'll still fall down and the only way to get better is


to get back up. Even if I quit skating, what I have learned from it will stick with me. Most people
are searching for happiness, as if it is a destination. Skateboarding has helped me realize the
happiness that can be found in pursuit. Maybe it isn't about where you end up in life, but the
journey that matters. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in a
while, you could miss it" -Ferris Bueller
I believe I can achieve this goal by discovering how to appreciate experiences I've experienced,
and take advantage of every opportunity I have to create new experiences. Experience is so
important to me because it has taught me so much already, and I believe it will have much more
to teach me in the future. Bad experiences can teach life lessons as well. Difficulties make me
stronger once I overcome them. As I learned in hockey chances are I will get knocked down, I
just have to find the inner strength to get up again and again until my goal is reached. Persistence
is key, because people rarely accomplish their goals on the first try. I know now that it will be a
process and a journey to get to where I want to be. It will be a journey full of new people and
new experiences. Both of which can teach me, and enlighten me on new perspectives of life. As I
journey into the abyss we call college I plan to keep an open mind and try to remain outgoing in
order to achieve my full potential. If I fall short, I will try again until I am successful. I will put
forth as much effort as possible. I never want to look back on my life and wonder where it
couldve gone if I had tried a little harder. That is why I will try till I die. I plan to go to college,
learn about what interests me, and pursue a career in a field I love. What I have learned so far, in
life, is to never stop learning. I will continue learning in the classroom and through experiences.
Then, one day I hope to change the world with what Ive learned, and teach others.

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