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The Mongols Mark on

Global History

Pax Mongolica

Pax Mongolica Mongolian peace

Because of the large amount of territory conquered the Mongols had

enough control to guarantee security and safety for travelers and

Support of Artisans

Didn't have their own Artisan class

- they migrated from place to pace and weren't able to carry the supplies
needed for them but they depended on the sedentary world for crafts

Prized Artisan highly

For example, during Chinggis Khans attack on Samarkand he instructed

his orders not to harm any Artisans or craftsmen.

Craftsmen were offered tax benefits, freed from unpaid labor and products
were highly prized by the Mongols.

Status of Artisans

Artisans were put at a higher status

The Mongols offered them special concessions and privileges

Established an array of government offices to supervise all the

productions of craft articles.

Relations with Islam

The relation with Islam had tremendous impact on chinas relations

with the outside world.

The Mongols recruited a number of Muslims to help in the rule of

China, especially in the field of financial administration. Muslims served
as tax collectors and administrators.

The Mongols in China also recognized that Islamic scholars had made
great leaps in the studies of astronomy and medicine, and they invited
many specialists in those fields to come to China.

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