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The Segregationists'

This page gave the four main

To understand why the

Arguments - Separate Is Not

arguments for segregation

southern white community as

Equal. (n.d.). Retrieved

simply. The first using the

a whole supported the laws we

October 26, 2015.

constitution is using the color

have to see what rationale they

blindness of the constitution

had. This is not to say its

for a basis. Which is ironic in

wrong to think that way as

a sense as the only descending

some of these do have reason

opinion in Plessy vs Fergusson but where they fell through

used that basis for the opposite was the resentment of the
goal. The second based on
society being free from
regulation of law is very
similar to the anti-central
government idea that was
common in the south. Its not
a stretch to say this was
almost easy to convince a
southern of. The third reason
is that it was not harmful to
the African Americans. This is
using the words of the laws
only and ignoring the total
societal bias the south has to

people implementing them.

what s harmful to African

Americans. The final core
argument is that the south
needed time to adjust
essentially. In truth the south
wanted to put it off as long as
Jim Crow Propaganda. (2005,

In the famous book of and

I found some ways the

September 21). Retrieved

then there was none a sense

propaganda spread but the

October 26, 2015.

of how strong segregation

after effects outside of even

propaganda was seen. Its

the south were not as clear to

name was originally ten little

me. However this example

niggers and was a folk like

paints a clear picture of even

song in the Jim Crow era. The the outside world not realizing
author heard of it in England,

the negative effects of

yes it crossed international


borders, and wrote a book of

murders based on that song.
While it was renamed twice,
first to ten little Indians and
then to and then there was
none, the origin story that
was based was still there. The

importance of this was how

strong a scale this propaganda
was. It was spread
unknowingly outside of even
the country.

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