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DeAndre Richardson

INRW 0301
Learning Something Important
Debate helped me grow, and understand that life is too precious to make angry all of the
time. Before I enrolled into debate, I was mean and reckless. I didnt care at all, because I knew
nobody could be on top except myself. Being in debate taught me a lot of important things, such
as self-control, a real voice, and that there is always someone better than yourself.
Self-control is the ability to control ones emotion, behavior and desires in the face of
external demands, to function in a society. Debate taught me that every action, doesnt need a
reaction. The man that was living before debate, use to let everyone have a piece of his mind, use
to let everyone feel beneath himself. I use to be that cruel human being, not giving an ounce of
care. Debate taught me self-control, it taught me that you can just look at someone, laugh and
walk away.
Finding the standpoint on your voice isnt always speaking your mind, but yet having a
modulated voice. A modulated voice is controlled and pleasant to listen to. Controlling your own
voice means you have control of the cruise ship youre sailing. Debate taught me in order to find
your standpoint on your real voice you must be determined and know your abilities.
You can be filled with a lot knowledge, determination, or confidence, but whether we
like it or not theirs always someone better than ourselves. For example, we tend to get mad or
jealous when we lose to an opponent, because of our pride. When you finally realize that theres

someone better than yourself, congratulate them and simply tell them that this isnt going to
happen to next time when we face each other. After you give them recognition, go practice,
remember practice makes perfect. Many people tend to fail when feeling invincible, because
we think that were perfect, but were not.
Debate taught me growth, it showed me self-control, a real voice and theres always someone
better than ourselves.

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