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Elizabeth Galindo
Professor Lewis
English 113A
The Struggle of Learning English
I came to Los Angeles California from Mexico when I was 13 years old. I only spoke
Spanish and I didnt know how to read, write, or speak in English. That made my first years
living in the United States very difficult.
I remember it was a Wednesday, June 22nd around midnight when I got here at California
and finally got to see my parents. They had left my youngest sister and I in Mexico while they
came here pursuing the American Dream like everyone else who immigrates to this country.
They left us when we needed them the most and even though my sister and I were still young, we
had to understand why our parents were leaving us behind and let them go. Those three long
agonizing years were really hard for my sister and I. We would always go to our house and lay
on the bed crying for my parents. Finally after three years our parents decided that it was time for
us to be reunited again. We were scared about what was going to happen to us and indeed a lot
happened to us. It took us a month and a few weeks to be able to cross the border. It was an
intense experience that I would not want anyone to go through. Thank God everything went well
and we were ready to start a new life in this country, the one that everyone speaks of as the
Country of Opportunities. Although I was very happy to meet with my parents, it felt weird to
see them again and it took me a while to get used to the whole Father and Mother thing. When I

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got to my parents house there were people with balloons and food ready to celebrate and
welcome us. I felt like I was somehow home knowing that my parents were there with me. After
a few weeks my parents started talking about enrolling us in school, and they did. They told us
we were going to start in August, me as an 8th grader, and my sister as a 6th grader. I was really
happy to start a new life and meet new people, and new friends. Even though I missed my
beloved family and friends, I knew I had to start over and enjoy my new life.
The first day of school finally came and I was feeling all kinds of emotions. I was scared,
nervous, happy, sad, and every feeling just mixed together. I remember my first class was ESL
(English as a Second Language) and I was afraid to go to class. After a few minutes I went in
class and the teacher told me to introduce myself in class and I had to try and say hi my name is
Elizabeth. I must say that moment was one of the hardest things I had ever done in my life. I
was blushing and sweating and I feared that every person in the class was going to laugh at me.
To my relieve everyone in class didnt speak perfect English. Some of them spoke Armenian,
Japanese, Chinese and Spanish. After my torture had passed, I took a sit next to a girl and she
introduced herself and her friends as well. Her name was Roxana. This girl became my friend
and helped with anything I needed, for example, to get food or talk to my teachers when I needed
something because I couldnt speak to anyone. Of course she had been here longer than me so
she knew more English than I did. Roxana was so kind and helpful and she became my closest
friend. Even now we come to CSUN together. In fact I wasnt going to apply to any colleges
because I thought I couldnt due to my immigration status, but she encouraged me and now here
I am.
My whole 8t grade year was tough. Even though I had friends helping me in class, it
wasnt the same as actually understanding what everyone was talking about. Sometimes I would

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come home crying because I wouldnt understand my homework assignments or the lectures, and
that frustrated me. My parents, who also speak Spanish only, saw me struggle without being able
to help me. They encouraged me all the time and they supported me with everything and I thank
them for that. When 8th grade was coming to its end, I started worrying again because I was
going to start high school and I felt like I wasnt going to be able to make it and at some point I
wanted to drop out. I only felt like that because I learned a little bit of the language throughout
the whole year and I knew it wasnt enough. People would scare me even more by saying high
school was hard and it intimidated me.
The beginning of freshman year came and my fear came back once again. That meant
new teachers, new friends, and new experiences. It felt like my first day of school all over again.
I went to my first class and I had ESL as my first period. I went to class and met my teacher Mr.
Camacho. That is when the fun begun. That year I learned how to read, write, and speak in
English thanks to my teacher who helped me and I believe he helped the whole class too. He was
really good at explaining and teaching in a fun way. After my first semester as a 9th grader, I was
ready to move out of ELS and move to a normal English class. That moment made me feel like I
had accomplished something big in my life. I still need to develop my English and expand my
vocabulary but it made me happy knowing that I could finally understand what was said in class.
However I didnt feel too comfortable speaking it and it was still hard but not as much as my 8th
grade. My 10th grade was easier as well as 11th and of course 12th grade because I understood
almost everything I read, well expect Shakespeares works, and I knew how to write and actually
make sense. Now I could say my English has improved from not knowing anything to an okay

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My memory of learning a new language was tough and at the same time fun. Now that I
look back to those moments when I struggled and cried, I laugh and it brings me comfort
knowing that you can really accomplish something if you work hard and never give up. Although
I still need to improve my English, I know I will get there and I will accomplish my dream of
finishing my career as a pharmacist. I know that if I work hard just how I did to learn English, I
will be successful and all my hard work will pay off. I remember this memory like if it was
yesterday and it will be something that Ill always remember because it has influenced the way I
am now.

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