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Marisa Wong

College One
7 September, 2015

1. In the Authors Note, the author describes how he was able to obtain knowledge
of Carl Hayden Community High School and the robotics team that became a huge
success. He had received an e-mail from Marcos Garciaacosta thinking it was first junk
mail, however, he looked into it calling up Fredi Lajvardi, the supervisor for the team. He
was surprised to find that he was the only Journalist that had looked into the robotics
team success, as it isnt everyday that good news comes from a place of such hardship.
In the Introduction, they describe a scene at an underwater robotics tournament.
Three judges asking four students from Carl Hayden Community High School about their
robot, Stinky. Oscar, Cristian, Lorenzo, and Luis all answered correct and thoroughly.
2. It was surprising and sad that no news journalist were interested in the success of
the underdog, but are interested in the tragic crime that is around West Phoenix. It was
interesting how they used the perspective of the judges when talking about the students.
How they dressed in comparison. However, in my own opinion one can not simply define
how successful someone is by just how one looks. It is unusual to see someone say this is
what the future will look like when, we really dont know how one defines their own
success and future.
3. How come no one was interested in writing about the robotics teams success?
How and why did they start this robotics time?

4. The authors note I read before going to sleep at about 11pm. I finished reading
the introduction at work. Having to pause every now and then to help customers with
various tasks.

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