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"The Interview" (2014)

2. "The Damned United" (2009)
3. Birdman (2014)
4. "The Theory of Everything" (2014)
5. "Whiplash" (2014)
6. The Imitation Game" (2014)
7. "Pride" (2014)
8. "The Master" (2012)
9. "Inside Llewyn Davis" (2013)
10. "The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo" (2012)
11. "Like Crazy" (2011)
12.Millennium 2: A Rapariga que Sonhava com uma Lata de Gasolina e
um Fsforo (2009)
13.Millennium 3 - A Rainha no Palcio das Correntes de Ar (2009)
14.Te doy mis ojos (2003)
15.Aniki Bb (1942)
16. "Inherent Vice" (2014)

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