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Best 3 these messages are conforming people to be someone they are not but to what the media wants people to be. Advertisements and commercials are meant to persuade you to buy their product and they \ \ are often pretty good at it. Dos Equis Beer advertisements use the objectification of women asa \\ >) Vd marketing strategy to increase male audiences into using their product. Most often, men are A Portrayed as being the provider, while remaining strong and independent. ‘This advertisement is obviously geared towards men, The quote on the image itself uses the word “man”, so that shows > \ that this ad is aimed towards men, The audience of this advertisement sce that the only way to be interesting is to perform to be a certain way. The media is telling people how to conform by showing its audience how to act and behave. This Dos Equis Beer advertisement is not only selling a product but they're selling a lifestyle as well foo" * InBecoming Members of Society: The Social Meanings of Gender” author Aaron " Devor displays what it really means to become a member of society based on gender stereotypes. Devor discuses the gender performances of masculinity and femininity and how they are enforced to children starting at a very young age. What we see in the media shapes how women and men should act, behave and perform, Men and women use their bodies in masculine and feminine ways, the media takes advantage of this in order to sell their products. Women are seen as submissive and men are seen as dominant in our society, advertisements that display these gender roles are teaching people these ideas society forces onto us. The media influences so ‘many other people not just men and women, the media affects how children and teenagers act and lear. “Very young children learn their culture’s social definitions of gender and gender / identity at the same time that they learn what gender behaviors are appropriate for them” (36). On average children and teenagers in one week spend at least 30 hours on sereen time. “Screen |

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