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Writing a literature review


Justify choice of research question, theoretical or conceptual framework

and method
Esstablish importance of the topic
Provide background information needed to understand the study
Show readers you are familiar with significant and/or up to date research
relevant to the topic
Establish your study as one link in a chain of research that is developing
knowledge in your field
Historical overview of theory and research literature with emphasis of
literature specific to thesis topic

Start wide with the overview and quickly narrow into discussing research
relating to your specific topic
Sense of background
Keyfigures and elemnts
Precise focus

Set up theoretical framework for your research

Show clear understanding of concepts/ideas
History of research area and related controversies
Discuss ideas in a context appropriate for your own investigation
Evaluate work of others
Clarify definitions and terminology
Develop research space
Narrow problem and make study feasible


Structure to lead the reader to the point that he/she can see no other
option than the need to conduct research youa re proposing

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