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There is a clear disconnect between the lives people portray online and the lives they live

in reality. However, many social media users seem to be unaware of this when they scroll
through their newsfeed. Due to this unawareness, individuals self esteems begin to deteriorate as
shown in the following study, in 2012 a team of researchers in the UK surveyed users, 53% of
whom said social media had changed their behavior; 51% said it was negative behavior because
of decline in confidence they felt (Probst sec. 2). Steven Furtick explains the reason behind the
decline in confidence stating, the reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our
behind-the-scenes with everyone elses highlight reel (Furtick). I wanted to get this message out
to social media users, which led me to create two Instagram accounts. The name on the first
account is, The Social Media Me while the other is named, The Real Me. In these accounts I
aimed to highlight the juxtapositions between what society posts on social media, versus what
they actually feel and do in real life. Furthermore, I exemplified an exaggerated lifestyle filled
with happiness, friends, parties, and adventurous on The Social Media Me account. Then, on
The Real Me account, I portrayed a more accurate, transparent life, consisting of loneliness
and depression. Society has become obsessed with viewing others seemingly perfect lives, in
addition to making everyone else believe their life is just as perfect. This deception has led to the
inability to live in the moment and enjoy a non-virtual life. My hope is that we, as a society, can
put an end to these issues; but in order to do so, they must be addressed. If they are addressed,
people will be able to realize their problems within their own lives, instead of pretending
everything is perfect. Needless to say, this is why I felt it was important to show and address this
issue through creating two Instagram accounts.

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