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Activity Diphthongs


Materials; Flash cards, board

Time; 15 minutes

Teacher will write key words on the board and then paste the flash cards around the
room. Techer will use certain Diphthongs.
Example of key words;
The sound [ei] so the word would be ray
The sound [ai] so the word would be ride
The sound [au] so the word would be how

The teacher can paste the different flash cards around the room. Teacher will put
the Ss in teams teacher will give each team one of the key words the team then has
to look for the words that belong with their key words.

Here are some words for the flash cards:

rate late Kate fate race base place same name take ache lake
rage age wage save cave wave;

dictate educate decorate celebrate concentrate investigate;

cable table able cradle range change strange taste waste;

baby bacon paper April danger angel stranger basis lazy crazy;

patient racial nation nature fatal patriot radio vacant;

ray gray play lay day may say way pray stay stray delay;

hey prey they convey obey;

ride nice ice life file smile line fine quite rise wise prize hi;

polite combine arrive surprise despise organize modernize;

private library final minus crisis climate bicycle horizon item Ida;

idea ideal identity identical biology;

find kind mind blind child mild wild climb rifle trifle title idle;

high sigh sign right fight night light sight height;

lie die tie dye rye bye eye buy guy alibi;

cry dry fry try by my sky style type hype;

nylon cycle cyber hybrid dynamite dynamic hyperactive;

rely reply apply deny satisfy modify signify analyze paralyze;

buying lying flying frying trying drying crying dying denying replying;


how cow now allow owl brown down town clown drown crown
crowd powder browse browser;

loud proud cloud out shout about doubt foul noun house mouse
mouth south couch;

found ground around pound sound count amount mountain announce


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