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Over the next 40 years, the world's population is expected fo grow to 9 billion people, and it has been predicted that global food production must increase by 70% to meet the consumption needs of the world’s population. How are we ‘going to feed the entire population? htt} Sustainable farming is using science} based practices to produce abundant amounts of food, while preserving our soil, air and water. Iti the rejection of the industrial approach to producing food. Instead, it integrates the environment, the economy, and social and economic The goal of sustainable farmers s to develop efficient, biological system that do not thrive on high amounts of input chemicals that would potentially harm the environment Organic Formin Government .5 times more effort than conventional times the profit to gardens. incentives such as lending property farming, it produces 10 and tuming farms KEYSTOSUCCESS Evironmental Perservation Public Health Upholding animal welfare Technological Advancements Do your research! Start Here: / sustainable-agriculture-the-basics

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