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Tommy Doctor Professor Suzanne Thomas UwRT 1102 September 29, 2015 Reflection: As this being the first draft of our proposal, I had some struggles right out of the gate with this paper. First of all, Iwas initially unable to figure out what question I wanted to do. I did some reflecting and realized that peer pressure is a serious issue among people in the college age group. | have personally seen people I know pressure other people into doing things they originally did not seem comfortable with doing. Now that I know the question I wanted to do ! am confident and happy with it as itis interesting to me and I would like to learn more about the topic of peer pressure and what causes that and if something specific causes it. I had questions all the way to the end of my paper but what I have written is just what I wanted to get on my first draft even if it was right or wrong. Another situation I had to deal with was finding significant evidence about my topic and figuring out if it was even researchable. | assume everyone else had these troubles as well and after some digging found a few good sources. Why are some people more susceptible to peer pressure than others? I started noticing when I was in high school that peer pressure was a serious issue. Numerous of my friends from "mnoengee ca liked bs ends’? UY + 50 Ynak vw vedi doesn AL Contsed win Yee tie wee we PEK NN wd EQOA oe RD pressure. They started doing things they swore they never would. It changed them as people. I have been a subject of peer pressure as well; I think most of us have been at some point or another. This is what led me to a curiosity about why peer aN 2 xe pressure works and why some people are more likely to fall into the frap)than ese ¢ =e ye) people ares — Qnopr OT iF sda QUEENIE Would Yor (eGur to if as arvapr One of the first articles I read raised the question about whether or not peer pressure could always be considered “bad” or not. This was particulary interesting y_ a to me because the term “peer pressure” is almost always said with a negative ~ SC sr connotation. This article made me realize that peer pressure can actually be a oo ces. . SEI positive thing, For example, if one or more of your friends is doing well in school or *” focusing on getting a good job, you may be influenced into doing the same. This is because you do not want to feel that you are lesser than your friends. Unfortunately, this is the same mindset that leads people to do things that can have a negative impact on their life as well. This question is incredibly relevant to my classmates. We are all of college ab ws age which means that more than likely we have all encountered at least one ue My eC situation in which we have felt pressured into doing something we did not originally on , ; we eras havea desire to do, Whether this situation had a negative or positive impact on our lives, we have all had to deal with it.I really hope that my paper will be able to help ) my classmates not fall to the temptation of peer pressure when it comes to decisions that would negatively impact their lives. Before I began researching this topic | did not know much about it other than what I had seen first hand. I had no idea how much intensive psychological research MOS, A had been done on the top This phat Thope to learn more about. Ihave already discovered that peer pressure does have a significant influence on our behaviors. | also ascertained that peer pressure has a wide array of ways that it can influence oe our lives. I learned about the “bandwagon effect,” which explains how people can be oe | influenced about what sport team to like or which presidential candidate to vote for based on their current popularity. \d why we are so easily Thope to learn more about the psychology be! influenced by what other people are doing. I want to know why some people are better at following their own path and not caring so much about what everyone else is doing than other people are. I know that there are answers to these questions and I am determined to uncover them. i yopic IM erer FHM). r wa YL Pigcholegicr? - Whee wird S , ear\ier in Mme OS ae

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