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Aljeraiwi Abdullah Aljeraiwi English 113A Professor Altman 27 October 2015 Final Draft A Wearing masks is a term to people who hide their emotion and feelings . People around the world wear mask/everyday’ most people wear masks ee work . Wearing masks may \ = : change people point of view about a person because Wil hide emotions ard by hiding emotion va person will not share what they love with others so they will not try to act like them to make them lke them. 1's easy thing to wear masks these day use it wil ive the person more chances to get a job and to get more friends . Superheroes usually hide their feelings and emotion by wearing a mask . Some masks are good , while others are bad because masks hide a person's emotions they allow a person to pretend to be something the are not , they allow others to perceive them as someone else in-this essay-kwit SGuss the following : How can people 3 pretend to be someone else to get something from others , People masked their emotion even \ with people that they love, How can people hide their feelings in the toughest places’ Where tbat 2 «Can masks feelings be good and can it be bad and where io .an we find in the our daily life. — Contin Ce AVR In the novel * Watchmen” by Alan Moore w-saai many themes that playad big part in Wi the nove} but the one theme that attracted me and attracted the readers isupetheroes wearg masks . According to the article “ Wearing the mask inside out “ By Georgina Kleege , people a mek, can use their facial expressions to mask their true emotion , exactly likeSuperhero’s . Wearing % mask can also be dangerous for the people , To illustrate some people try to steal people money 7 Aljeraivwi by wearing mask ymany rich people in the world trying to find love and the they do but at the d end of the road after they married them they find their waives are liars and they get divorced after that and they get half of the money like Roman Abramovich he’s one of the richest people C ft f i in the world but his wealth are decreased year by year because he is giving his ex wife's half of (| \, : {, 5 5 his money . : Emotion and feelings can be masked . People }Reveryday in their life hide emotion and feelings To illustrate sometimes you st with people that you don't even likebut you have to be — wk respectful with them and don’t show them you real feelings about them AKG occasionally tHe tahio ‘opposite you spent all your day with your parents and your siblings but you didn’t show them ey your real feeling that you love them more than anything in this world . We can also see people hide their emotion in the courtroom in order to win to win the case , One of the most famous example is Mike Tyson , In the article “Fear in the courtroom; the other defense of Mike Tyson” Showed us that Tyson covers his fear and emotion by his an; ‘Tyson was aq witness in the courtroom for his rape trial case . We also see many like that’s, Nigh reaction in the courtroom attorneys often lies about things to make their clients win the case . Avok There is a type of people who wear the anger mask to make people get away from them and protect them People also wear masks in wars tying to win it, Many soldiers alliance with their enemy's to fool them , We saw his types to masks in almost every single warn the world In\\ 6, another way wearing mask in mask in war is similar to wearing mask when some people are competing for a job because some people when they are competing with others try to destroy their works by tel 1g them bad advice and things like that . Aljeraiwi Wearing masks can be useful and on the other hand can be harmful . People in the world right now are wearing masks most of their day and when the remove their masks they usually do ¢ v it in their home because people usually get comfortable in their own places . The world right now K & ‘encourage people to wear masks RE , For example when someone apply for a job in in store like eer Nike in one of the duties that he or she have to do is to smile when they are helping customers, (-) And that what we called wearing a masks cause some people when they do their job they don’t have to show others there identity , And that’s in my point of view it’s a good way to hide feelings and identity because without smiling in people face in most of retail stores will not improve the reputation of the store and the income . We come now to the harmful way to masks ate te your emotion , In the first paragraph I mentioned story about Roman Abramovich and how he LEE faced the harmful masks ‘At the end wearing masks is a good way to supethero’s to hide their emotion and bchaviors . Wearing masks is not always good sometimes people should be aware from people ‘who wear masks because maybe they will be a danger for them In my point of view I think wear masks Is necessary for superhero's to succeed and even the for the people because without wearing masks teachers and police officers will not have the same status they have right now Last 1g | advice you to show your real feelings to the people that you love because they really worth it “You can fake your age or mask it, but the passion that moves the characters has to be Nea thy This cogs ho} Meet your P PE geicemyt, Th 5 65 Conn L you ar nok orig doles : So PV Your pout Aljeraiwi Works Cited Kleege, Georgina. "Wearing The Mask Inside Out.” Social Research 67.1 (2000): 47-59. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. Moore, Alan, and Dave Gibbons. Warchmen. New York: Warner Books, 1987. Print. Spence, Gerry L. "Fear in the courtroom; the other defense of Mike Tyson." Trial July 1992: 54+. General OneFile. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. Aa int

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