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iPad = 8:22AM ¢ 1 > tl © Chapter 8: The History of the Church, Semester Edition Co Vay eey The Church Gives Witness In Wars And Revolutions ele A dle han aa MeL the Gburch spoke an behalf of workers CO BN Re Ped eh A La iPad = 8:33AM Chapter 8: The History of the Church, Semester Edition ‘THE CHURCH GIVES WITNESS IN WARS AND REVOLUTIONS Pope Pus XI eneytcl Div Redemptorispublehed in 697, was a power ctque of Soviet Ci the Pope wamed, “aims at upsetting the social order and at ‘Serming he very tndaton of sion coton: Ps tts cst woe decom ‘more and more haunting asthe abuses ofthe Soviet regime were fully discovered and documented. Unfortunately. it would take fity more years or the Soviet Union to crumble and for Communism to fallin Eastern Europe. POPE PIUS XI (1922-1939) ‘The end ofthe Fist Word Wear, the war to end all wars no way broughtan end to violence and Affi. Benedict XV led to see the rise of Communism in Russia. Ate the Pope's death the ‘Church would suffer further persecution not only in Rusa, but n Mexico and Spain as wel Indeed, ‘when Pus XL a srong:minded and determined Pope. was elected to the head of the Church, he ‘dc not forse the end of war. He would reign during an era of crisis marked by global economic colapse, the spread of totalitarianism, and increasing international confit. Nazism. an ideology ‘anda polica movement fundamentally opposed to Crista, came to power in Germany atid threatened the peae of Europe andthe word. “The future Pope Pus XI Achille Ratt, was bom May 81857, near Mion His father was a factory manager. Folowing ordination in 1879, Rat pursued graduate studies in Rome and taught at the seminaryinPacua An excelers scholar he worked fem 1288 0 10l.atthe Ambrosin Library Min. Intonthe joined the staff ofthe Vatican Library as proprefect, nd in 1914 becare is prefect recta Ins6i8 Pope Benedict XV sent Ratt to Poland cna dplomticmisson and ster appointed en Nutso to that country, Whi stationed in Warsaw, Rat showed exemplary courage and dedication to his min wen he refsed to leave te ct in the face of a threatened Bosbevk attack in Ags 1920 ‘Thefolowirg year Pope Benedict named him Archbishop of Min ance cardial Folowirg Benesict’s seat Ratt was elected Pope on February 6 1922 and hetook hename Pus XL ‘One of the fist problems to confront Pus XI was the “Roman Question” that i the ficuies thet continued to arise over the relationship between the Vatican and the Italan government. Since the seizure ofthe Papal States the nineteenth century the Popes declared themselves “prisoners of the Vatican” protesting thet lss ofthe tational lands ruled by the Pope. tn 1922, a Fascist government ‘ame to power under Benito Musso and for the sake of national unity, Musson sought to improve relations with the Pope. in 1929. they signed the Lateran Treaty. which recognized Vatican City 25 an independent sate and reimbursed the Vatican for the loss of territory. Musson accepted Roman Catholicism as the established church of aly and allowed religous intrusion inthe schoo In return, the Holy See recognized Italy sovereignty with Roame a ts capital Despite the Lateran Treaty the ‘papacy and the Church werein growing conic with the Fascists In 1981, Pope Pus XI would vigerously protest thei attacks inthe encyclical Non Abbiamno Bisogno (On Catholic Acton in aly). ‘Sane! Pear andbetegian ay, Tata “ay hast ee Py 129 Backto page 120 iPad = 8:33AM Chapter 8: The History of the Church, Semester Edition ‘THE CHURCH GIVES WITNESS IN WARS AND REVOLUTIONS Let Eugro Fae, poe Nur oe Geman Weer pi 11929 inane recor Paz ne at he spy ote Corr on Cama is Roar oh) 3, 1 seo ae Carman Ceo azn Sepa epee Gomary. zap zat, Carn Pape sro Garaal nae Samra arses Bt Batam Tad, e Coca ain Geman. Al! Caras pasa heft need lar pl. rte Coa opnaasors en raigon psten Mice 2 sons tr he Calg ob agin Be. the midst of the workl With this special grace, he formed Opus Dei. whose members would model themselves after the very first Christians. These new developments inthe understancing ofthe lay vocation and the lity’ rok in the world woul form part of the Church’ teaching atthe Second ‘Vatican Counci 19621965) THE CHURCH AND THE RISE OF NAZISM ‘One of the most critical challenges facing Pope Pius XI was the rise of Adolf Hitler 18891945) 19 power and the National Socaist (Nazi party in Germany. Deeply resenting the terms ofthe peace settlement after World War , Germany was in political, ‘and economic turmoll when Et came to power in 1938, Working to consolidate power a home ‘and win nfiuence and favor ofthe cictators first acts wasto seek anew concordat with ‘the Church. On July 20,1933, Germany and the Vatican sgmed an agreement. ‘The principal negotiator of te Concordat with Germany was Pus Xs Secretary of State, Cardinal Eugenio Pacel, the future Pope Pus XIL Paceli was especially concerned withthe independence ‘of the Church in Germany, and recognizing the potential racicalsm cf Hitler's regime, he wished to preserve religious freedom for German Catholics, The Concordat provided thatthe German clergy be subject to canon law and gained special privileges for Catholic schools and organizations. In ‘exchange, the Vatican agrecd to encourage the German clergy to temper ther political resistance to Hitler. Although the Concordat cid alow the Church to stay independent in Fite’s Germany. and therefore conduct many efforts to save those persecuted by the Nazi regime, the Concordat lecto the sel

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