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Marvin Duarte

Enc1101/ Massey

Children everywhere in the United States are becoming more violent. There has
been an increase of violence among children in our nation. With violence a part of our
society and culture, kids are being surrounded by it every day. They mature with violence
being a normal aspect of life. Children are exposed to violent video games, movies with
mature content, and a lack of parenting which is why there is more violence amongst our
The problem essentially starts at the household. Children between the ages 6-13 are
introduced to mature rated games. Even if the video game is rated for adults only, parents
are still buying it for their children. For example when I was just 10 years old, I enjoyed
playing Gears of War which the objective was to kill the other team. Kids everywhere are
playing violent games which are making them more aggressive. When children grow up
with violence in the equation, it influences them to be violent to others.
With parental consent, children are allowed into R rated movies. All around our
nation parents allow their children to watch movies that arent suitable for their age either
at home or at the movie theaters. The movies that these kids are being exposed to are filled
with violence and murder. Some of these kids will go on to imitate the harmful actions they

just saw. Because movies are glorifying violence, children are more violent are there has
been an increase of violence between them.
Parents are also at fault because of their lack of discipline. Parent are allowing their
children to fight, curse and disrespect authority. Some parents even encourage their
children to fight and curse. The majority of parents have no respect for authority and are
passing that onto their children. Parents are suppose to be their childrens role models but
instead children are imitating their violent actions. Parents control what their children are
exposed to and should do a better job of limiting the amount of violence their children see.
Violence is everywhere in our society and parents have to try to hide their children
from it. The causes of the increase of violence among children are violent video games,
movies with mature content, and a lack of discipline in the household. The increase of
violence among children is going to continue until everyone works together to stop it. With
the excess of violence in our world, we have to try to preserve the youth in our country.

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