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The idea of the blood flowing throughout the body through blood vessels is by
no means new. Through dissections of
other animals and sometimes the bodies
of humans, the ancients discerened this.
Although they did not know exactly why
the blood went all over the body, which
is now known to be for many homeostatic
reasons, they studied as much as they
could, including that it is directly reliant on
and integral to the lungs. Although they
may not have been able to find out exactly
what the answers were, pre-modern scientists asked the right questions and made
many strides forward despite the lack of

The Oath
The Hippocratic Oath, orginated by the
ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, is
still spoken by doctors today. Although
it may not speak to any medical knowledge, it does include the fact that doctors
should be upstanding and full of integrity as people trust them to save lives.
This is as true today as it was back then.
Although they swore to various deities in
the original, the modern Hippocratic Oath
asks the same things of its takers: you
should protect that which was given you
by your predecessors and uphold ethical
standards to keep the name of the entire
field untarnished.

The Dark
A g e s
than Youd

The Myth
The purpose of this pamhplet is to shed
light on the myth that pretty much all
medical knowledge has been ascertained
in the period after the Enlightenment
when technologies such as the microscope and that all of the medical minds
of all the people before that were relatively weak. To do this, I will show a few
examples of medial fidnings that began in
pre-modern times that have stuck around
and still heavily influence medical knowledge today. The past is a basis for the

These are used today to prevent various
wounds from becoming infected. Although the anicents may not have known
about microbes amd the actual cause
of infection, they had disvcovered they
could prevent this with things like honey.
Honey acts exactly like Neosporin does
today, catching microbes and preventing a wound from becoming infected.
They may not have known it but these
unenlightened minds created something
still very practical in surgical rooms and
households alike.

In the middle east, during a golden age for
the Islamic culture, medical minds discerned that two objects, from a man and
a woman, came together to form a child
which would be a combination of their
traits. Gregory Mendel expanded on this
hundreds of years later, but we see that
this theory is mostly correct, and these Islamic scientists did not have microscopes
to look at these sex cells. They used the
power of observation to form a basis for
the modern study of genetics.

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