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Name______Angela Thomson___ Course_____HLAC


HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Write a paragraph on each of the following:
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this activity class?
A. Weight training isnt just about how much you can bench or squat or
deadlift, its mostly about form and lifting weights properly and with the
appropriate warm-ups so that you grow stronger and avoid injury. Injury
can quickly curtail my ability to weight train or perform cardiorespiratory
exercises and this can decrease my level of wellness. Weight
lifting/strength training brings me such joy and focus into my life that not
only would my physical wellness be affected, but also my
psychological/mental and emotional wellness.
2. How would you apply this information to your life?
A. The knowledge of form and technique for strength training that I gained
during this semester class will help me during my weekly strength training
workouts by focusing on proper form to strength intended muscles and
avoid injury. I can also help others to do the same by sharing my newly
acquired knowledge with others!
3. What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why?
A. My intention is to continue to exercise 3-5 times a week performing
cardiorespiratory exercises, 2-3 times a week engaged in strength training
(to strengthen my bones as well as my muscles) and 4-6 times a week
doing a flexibility/stretching workout to maintain good mobility and joint
4. General ideas for improving this course
A. One thing that would have helped me during this course would have been
to know each weeks activities (especially muscle groups to be worked on)
at least a week ahead of time. That would have helped me to better plan
my weeks workouts so that I made at least a day of rest for each muscle
group in between strength training sessions. I enjoyed the learning
process and found myself challenged each week.

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