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Savannah Reynolds

November 1, 2015
LSW Bridge to Terabithia
Question 1) After he rebuilt the bridge to make it stronger, why does Jess decide to share
Terabithia with Mae Belle.
This is a good question to ask students because throughout the book they can see the
continuous bickering between Jess and Mae Belle. However, Mae Belles relationship with
Leslie was much different and so when Leslie dies Jess feels like allowing Mae Belle into
Terabithia is the right thing to do because thats what Leslie would have wanted. This question
matters to the understanding of the book because it shows the growth of Jess even after Leslie
dies and the impact that Leslie has had on him throughout the novel. From the response to this
question the students would be able to see how Jess has matured and the importance of Leslie in
the story even after she is gone. Also, this scene helps to show that Jess and Mae Belles
relationship has come to a new beginning and that they will begin a new adventure together
much like the one Jess and Leslie took part in.

Question 2) What does Terabithia represent to Jess and Leslie?

This question showed that Jess and Leslie were not the popular students in school, and in
some ways were actually the outcasts. For Jess and Leslie Terabithia represented a place free of
judgment and comfort where they could be themselves. Without understanding what Terabithia
meant to Jess and Leslie and why they found it so important, the students would not be able to
truly understand the concept or some of the main themes in the book. By responding to this
question, students would be able to see not only the unfortunate lives that the two children had,
but also how important friendship is and why Terabithia is not only important to the children but

Savannah Reynolds
November 1, 2015
LSW Bridge to Terabithia
also to the book. Also, this question brings out one of the main themes of friendship and how
although Terabithia was their escape place it wouldnt have been the same without one another.

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