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Major assignment reflections: Research Report

How well do you feel you accomplished the purpose of this assignment?
I feel like I accomplished the purpose of this assignment very well.
How did your writing process for this assignment facilitate or obstruct your
My writing process has neither facilitated in this assignment, I now use my
rhetorical strategies effectively.
What kinds of changes did you make between your drafts?
I concentrated more on my rhetorical strategies, I cited correctly, and I took off
some facts that didnt need to be in there.
Was your revision process effective? How, if at all, could you have changed your
focus to make it more effective?
It was very effective. I changed a lot between drafts.
Do you feel you accomplished the purpose of this assignment? What did you learn,
and how can you use it?
I do feel like I accomplished the purpose of this assignment. I learned that the use of
the rhetorical strategies can make an essay look well written.
What from the readings was most or least helpful in completing this assignment?
All the sources that I used for my research report.

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