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Favele 5 890d body image. “Women are reported to be more sensitive to visual non-verbal cues, and exhibit superior skills in body language reading, but this ability is heavily modulated by emotional content of actions.” While some women are empowered by the sexualization of ‘women in media, many are discouraged by the impossible standards the media promotes. Advertisements like the Shape up commercial is what is causing women to become more insecure with themselves while also trying to achieve the impossible “perfect look.” This causes ‘negative effect on women and doesn’t promote body positive. Women begin to believe that bevause they are not the ideal body type like Kim Kardashian, that they are undesirable. Women \ ‘then begin to look negatively upon themselves, become more introverted, and insecure about Who they are and how they look. William A. Arzindel sates thet "Gender soles sess as hey Pointed out, refers to stress resulting from ones perceived failure to BEE demands of ones adhered gender role.” Tis sre wil result in certsn cases to women resulting loss of sleep, spresson, or possibly eating disorders puting their own health a risk o achieve an ideal body goals, ‘This sketchers advertisement goes against equality in societal gender roles and does not reflect body Positivity among women. It makes society believe that it is okay to sexualize women and teaching women exploiting their bodies for attention or money is okay, Women will result into putting their own health at risk and increasing their stress causing them mental and emotional damage, The expectation of body image this commercial demonstrates to women is ‘unideal and it isn’t as effortless as the commercials want to make it appear. What women don’t ‘ake into consideration is that these women are not mothers of 3 that have a low income. The y H Vv \s x

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