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Topics, Ideas, and Brainstorming

General Area of Expertise/Interest: Medicine
Possible Research Topics or Questions:
1. Do Pharmaceutical companies seek health or wealth?
-Are companies selling drugs that they know are not truly very
-Are needed drugs overpriced?
-Are some companies pushing physicians to overprescribe or
unnecessarily prescribe?
2. Caffeine and its effects on the body
-Is caffeine addictive?
-Is it dangerous?
-What are its effects on the human body
3. Pediatric Oncology
-Are the effects of radiation and chemotherapy too strong for a
childs bodycan they continue to grow properly following treatment?
4. Carcinogens vs. Genetics
-Which plays a stronger role in the diagnosis
-Are we truly exposed to that many carcinogens? Can we avoid
-Can you avoid a genetic predisposition?

5. Organ Harvesting
-In extreme cases, are fewer life
saving measures taken when a
patient is an organ donor?
-Should family members truly be
able to step in and make the

1. I am perusing a career in medicine, and for my research I am interested in

studying oncology and the cause and effect relationships between carcinogens
and genetic predisposition.
2. Family members of mine have had cancer, so genetically speaking I could one
day have it as well. (This goes for many other people). So I am interested in
studying whether or not a genetic predisposition or exposure to carcinogens is
more likely to cause cancer. I am also interesting in looking into whether many
of the things society consider to be carcinogens can truly be linked to cancer
later in life.
3. I think this topic could be researchable in the time I have. Oncology is a large
field, but it holds so much strong research, so I think I could find strong enough
information to narrow my research into a more direct path. As far as primary
research goes, my parents are both in the field and can provide information
and direction towards the best sources for my information gathering.

Key terms:
Bone marrow transplants

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