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Program Design for Improvement in Vertical Jump Height in a Collegiate Volleyball Player Dr. Coyle Conditioning of Competitive Athletes Summer 2001 INTRODUCTION The sport of volleyball involves many movements-diving, short sprinting, lateral change of direction, and most important, vertical jumping (Piper, 1997). Therefore increasing vertical jump height is a cri | factor for improving performance. The purpose of this program is to improve the vertical jump ability in a collegiate level volleyball player. Along with the specific program design, a biomechanical analysis, literature review, and design rational will be included. BIOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS To best understand the various components that influence the vertical jump, a brief biomechanical analysis is necessary. The vertical jump obviously involves the use of the lower extremities. However, the contributions of the upper extremities are often not considered in program design. Several studies have examined the contribution of the 1 jump performance (Feltner, Franschetti, & Crisp, 1999; Harman, Rosenstein, Frykman, & Rosenstein, 1990). Both studies concluded that using an arm swing during vertical jumping improved performance over no arm swing. An upward arm swing causes a downward force on the torso due to the ‘equal and opposite reaction’ principle of physics. This downward force slows the rate of contraction of the leg muscles allowing the muscles to contract at a slower velocity and thus generates more force. Therefore, this program will also include exercises that strengthen the upper extremities in order to fully utilize this overlooked component. Challis (1998) examined another biomechanical aspect of the vertical jump. The aspect involved the influence of the bi-lateral deficit. Bi-lateral deficit results in different jump heights achieved when jumping from one-leg versus two-legs. The maximal height achieved from a two-legged jump is not twice the maximal height achieved from a one- legged jump. In fact, the maximal height achieved from a one-legged jump is approximately 60% of the maximal two-legged height. The possible reason for this. deficit may be neuromuscular in nature, When jumping with one-leg, less muscle mass is available to generate force than when jumping with both legs. Therefore, the maximal amount of muscle fibers needed to jump with one-leg must be fully recruited, When jumping with two-legs, there are more muscles to share the workload, and thus less. activation is required. With this aspect in mind, this program will include one-leg and two-legged exercises in order to fully stimulate all fibers as well as attain any neuromuscular adaptations, A final biomechanical consideration will involve the mechanies of the two-joint muscles of the lower extremities involved in vertical jumping. The major muscle groups of the lower extremities involved in the vertical jump are the hamstrings, quadriceps, and gastrocnemius. All three muscle groups are bi-articulate muscles that cross over multiple joints, Umberger (1998) examined these muscles and determined that during the action. of vertical jumping, one end of these bi-articulate muscles will be contracting (shortening), while the other end will be stretched (lengthening). With one end of the muscle lengthening and the other end shortening, the overall muscle length in changing very little, Based on the force/velocity curve, itis possible for the muscles to generate high forces throughout the movement, ‘This action also allows for a transfer of force from the larger proximal muscles to the smaller distal muscle of the lower extremities. This transfer is possible because the overall length of the muscles change very little and the muscle act like stiff cables pulling on the bones and causing powerful movement (see Figures 1 & 2). Therefore, this program will also include exercises that strengthen the proximal muscles of the lower extremities as well as the distal muscles. LITERATURE REVIEW Extensive research has been conducted on the vertical jump. A brief review of the literature resulted in many important conclusions. Several studies have demonstrated that improvements in leg strength result in improvements in vertical jumping ability (Oates, 1998; Van Oteghen, 1973). However, the increases in leg strength and vertical jump performance did not have a high correlation (Jameson, Knight, Ingersoll, & Edwards, 1997). Plyometric training has also been shown to increase vertical jump performance (Cluteh, Wilton, McGown, & Bryce 1983; Gemar, 1988; Poole & Maneval, 1987; Timmons, 1996; Villarreal, 1994; Young, Wilson, & Bryce, 1999). Plyometrics are also considered ballistic movements that result in a high degree of neuromuscular recruitment (LaChance, 1995). The use of plyomettic allows for maximal neuromuscular adaptation with fewer repetitions. Because both methods of training have been shown to improve vertical jump performance, both will be included in this program. PROGRAM CONSIDERATIONS There are several considerations in designing a strength program, especially involving the use of plyometric exercises. All strength programs should address the following principles — progressive overload, intensity, volume, periodization, rest and recovery, specificity, and energy-source (Fleck & Kraemer, 1987). Other specific considerations need to be addressed concerning plyometric training. These considerations include—age, body weight, strength ratio, current strength training, experience, and injuries (Allerheiligen & Rogers, 1995). The program design and rational will discuss how each area is addressed in this program. PROGRAM DESIGN AND RATIONAL This program is designed with consideration to all the principles and areas of concern previously mentioned. Progressive Overload- throughout the 3-month training program the amount of weight used in each exercise is steadily increased to provide a progressive overload of the muscle groups and enhance strength gains. Intensity-the intensity of the program starts at a low level and is increased throughout the program, Intensity is adjusted by increasing the amount lifted and including super sets and compound exercises (several exercises back-to-back for the same muscle group, oF multiple exercises for different muscle groups performed without rest). During the last microcyle of each mesocycle, the intensity and volume will be slightly decreased in order to allow time for complete adaptation to occur. Plyometric exercises are introduced according to intensity level. Low intensity exercises are first introduced followed by moderate and high intensity exercises (see Table 1). Volume-Baker (2001) studied the acute and long-term effects of power responses to power training and concluded that as training volume increases, power tended to decrease and vice versa (see Figure 3), Therefore in order to optimize power gains, the volume of the program starts at a high level and steadily decreases. Resistance training volume is further reduced with the introduction of plyometric exercises. Volume is adjusted by decreasing the number of repetitions per set, or by decreasing the number of sets per exercise. Periodization— the training program is designed as a pre-season program consisting of three mesocycles, with four microcycles in each mesocycle. Each microcycle is one week long and involves training three days per week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This mesocycle would be followed by an early-season cycle where the use of plyometrics should cease. The rational behind eliminating plyometrics during the early- season macrocycle is that there will be sufficient jumping involved during the increased volume of practices. Specificity- the exercises in the program are designed to improve strength, neuromuscular adaptations, and recruitment of muscles involved in the vertical jump. ‘The use of Olympic lifts (snatch, clean and jerk) is justified by many research findings. The kinetic features of Olympic-style lifting and vertical jumping were found to be similar by Canavan, Garrett, and Armstrong (1996). Volleyball also requires explosive movements with sequential use of muscles in a specific order (Cross, 1993). Olympic lifts strengthen. ‘muscles at a similar velocity and in the same order as needed in volleyball (Cross, 1993). Many of the exercises prescribed in this program are based on Olympic-style lifts with ‘minor variations (one-hand snatch, front squat to push press, ete.), and offer variety as well as provide unilateral neuromuscular adaptations. Although the back squat is, performed at a slower velocity than Olympic lifts, the strength gains from the squat are necessary and beneficial. Some rescarch indicates that slow velocity and fast velocity isokinetic exercises are equally effective for improving vertical jump (Van Oteghen, 1973), However, it would probably be most effective to limit slow kinetic exercises to the early phases of training when increases in strength are more important than improvements in the rate of force development, Included in the program are many lateral movement exercises. Most vertical jumping in volleyball is performed from a static start or from a two-step approach (Black, 1995). However, many quick lateral movements may be needed for blocking or digging a spike ‘These lateral movement exercises also aid in developing the strength base needed prior to beginning the plyometric exercises. The program also includes many upper body exercises in order to strengthen the upper extremities involved in the vertical jump (Feltner et al., 1999; Harman et al, 1990). Weighted vertical jumps are included in the plyometric exercises. The importance of weighted jumps was demonstrated when Wilson et al. (1993) concluded that weighted jumps increased counter-movement and non-counter-movement vertical jump heights greater than traditional resistance training and plyometrics. Baker, Nance, and Moore (2001) found that maximal power was achieved during weighted squat jumps with a resistance of approximately 48-63% of squat IRM. However, their study used power- trained athletes (professional rugby players) and also concluded that power-trained athletes also achieve their maximal power output at higher percentages of IRM. Thus, athletes in this program will perform weighted plyometric exercises at a percentage of body weight, not IRM. Other exercises are included in the program that do not specifically improve vertical jump (rows, bench press, push press, core conditioning). These supplemental exercises are included in order to maintain muscular balance as well as enhance the strength base. Ina full strength program for volleyball, consideration must also be placed on developing upper body strength and power for blocking and spiking (primarily in the shoulders). While this program is initially designed as a vertical jump improvement program, it ‘would also be sufficient in developing upper and lower body strength and power. Rest and Recovery adequate rest and recovery are addressed by allowing for a full day of rest between cach training session, as well as limiting the amount of exercises performed per session. Plyometric exercises are performed at the beginning of each training session after a thorough warm-up. This allows the athlete to develop and train maximal power before muscles become fatigued from resistance training (Fleck & Kraemer, 1987). The largest volume and intensity are usually performed on Friday, thus allowing for two full days of recovery. Energy-source the energy source primarily used is the ATP/ Creatine phosphate stores in the muscles (Black, 1995). Because lactic acid anaerobic metabolism is not the primary energy source (Black, 1995), training sessions should allow for plenty of rest between sets to avoid buildup of lactic acid. However, a small percentage of matches do last long enough to tax lactic acid metabolism (Black, 1995). Therefore, the use of complex exercises involving little to no rest between sets are introduced one-day a microcyele during the third mesoeycle. Plyometrie concern rational Age- plyometric exercises are recommended for athletes 16-years or older (Alletheiligen & Rogers, 1995). The program is only designed for college-aged athletes. Body weight- body weight considerations only affect the type of exercises performed, Athletes over 220 Ibs are not recommended to perform depth jumps from a height greater than 18 inches (Allerheiligen & Rogers, 1995). Strength ratio a strength ratio of 1.5 to 2.5 times body weight is recommended prior to beginning plyometric training (LaChance, 1995). Plyometrics are not introduced into the program until the second mesocycle, therefore ensuring a solid strength training base. Current strength program athletes not involved in a strength training program are recommended to undertake strength training for 2 to 4 weeks before plyometric training (Allerheiligen & Rogers, 1995). Plyometrics are not introduced until the second mesocycle in this program. Experience- alhletes should possess a moderate-to-high level of skill when considering the intensity, volume, and progression of a plyomettic program. This program is designed for collegiate athletes who should possess this skill level in order to be successful at the college level. Injuries— areas of potential injury include feet, ankles, shins, knees, hips, and low back (Allerheiligen & Rogers, 1995). Research has found that although the ground reaction forces during plyometrics range from 2 to 6 times body weight, forces as high as 9 to 14 times body weight have been recorded during normal jumping associated with a volleyball match (Cavanaugh et al., 1990). Care should be taken to limit plyometric exercises to athletes not recovering from lower extremity injuries. CONCLUSION This program is designed to improve the vertical jump in a collegiate volleyball player. It involves the use of resistance weight training to improve strength and power as well as plyometries. As with most strength programs, the ultimate goal is improved performance during the sport event, With the proper supervision and coaching, an athlete utilizing this program should see not only increases in strength and power, but also improvements in vertical jump and match performance, References Allerheiligen, Bill and Robb Rogers. Plyometric Program Design. Strength and Conditioning AugiOct: 26-31; 33-39. 1995. Baker, Daniel, Acute and Long-term Power Responses to Power Training: Observations on the Training of an Elite Power Athlete. Strength and Conditioning Journal 23(1): 47— 56. 2001. Baker, D., S. Nance, and M. Moore. The Load That Maximizes the Average Mechanical Power Output During Jump Squats in Power-Trained Athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 15(1): 92-97. 2001 Black, Bill. Conditioning for Volleyball. Strength and Conditioning Oct: 53-55. 1995. Canavan, Paul, G Garrett, and L Armstrong. Kinematic and Kinetic Relationships Between an Olympic-Style Lift and the Vertical Jump. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research \0(2): 127-130. 1996. Challis, John. An Investigation of the Influence of Bi-lateral Deficit on Human Jumping. Human Movement Science 17: 307-325. 1998, Clutch, D., M. Wilton, C. McGown, and G.R. Bryce. Effect of depth jumps and weight training on leg strength and vertical jump. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport 54(1): 5-10. 1983. Cross, Tom. Rationale and Coaching Points for Olympic Style Lifting to Enhance Volleyball Performance. National Strength and Conditioning Journal 15(6); 59-61. 1993. Feltner, Michael, D Fraschetti and R Crisp. Uppet Extremity Augmentation of Lower Extremity Kinetics During Countermovement Vertical Jumps. Journal of Sports Sciences 17: 449-466. 1999. Fleck, Stephen, and William Kraemer. Designing Resistance Training Programs (2™ ed). 3-11, 83-109. 1987. Gemar, J.A. The effects of weight training and plyomettic training on vertical jump, standing long jump and forty-meter sprint. Microforms Publications, International Institute for Sport & Human Performance. University of Oregon. 1988, Harmen, Everett, M Rosenstein, P Frykman and R Rosenstein. The Effects of Arms and ‘Countermovement on Vertical Jumping. National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal 13(3): 38-39, 1991. Jameson, T.D., K.L. Knight, C.D. Ingersoll, & J.E, Edwards, Correlation of isokinetic, isometric, isotonic strength measurements with a one-leg vertical jump. Isokinetics and Exercise Science 6(4): 203-208. 1997. LaChance, Pete. Plyometrie Exercise, Strength and Conditioning Aug: 16-23. 1995. Oates, D.D. The effects of open and closed kinetic chain strength training on changes in vertical jump height, Microforms Publications, International Institute for Sport & Human Performance. University of Oregon. 1998. Piper, Timothy. In-Season Strength/Power Mesocycle for Women’s Collegiate Volleyball. Strength and Conditioning Sune: 21-23. 1997. Poole, W.H. and M.W. Maneval. The effects of two ten-week depth jumping routines on vertical jump performance as it relates to leg power. Journal of Swimming Research 3(1): 11-14, 1987, ‘Timmons, S.A. Increasing vertical jump: a comparison between two training programs. Microforms Publications, International Institute for Sport & Human Performance. University of Oregon, 1996. Umberger, Brian, Mechanics of the Vertical Jump and Two-Joint Muscles: Implications for Training. Strength and Conditioning Oct: 70-74. 1998, Van Oteghen, Sharon. Two Speeds of Isokinetic Exercise as Related to the Vertical Jump Performance in Women. The Research Quarterly 40 (1): 78-84. 1973. Villareal, J-M.V. The effects of two types of plyomettic training in improving vertical jump ability in female college soceer players. Microforms Publications, International Institute for Sport & Human Performance. University of Oregon. 1994. Wilson, GJ, The Optimal Training Load for the Development of Dynamic Athletic Performance. Med. Science Sport and Exercise 25: 1279-1286, 1993. Young, W.B., G.J. Wilson and C. Byrne. A comparison of drop jump training methods. International Journal of Sports Medicine 20(5): 295-303. 1999. VOLLEYBALL STRENGTH PROGRAM Pre-Season Mesocyele 1 Microcycle 1 Microcycle 2 Microcyele 3 Microcyele 4 [Monday lwannup Snatch 7x3 © 7x3 @G% Fas O1% Tes UH [Bench Press x10 @O% Tx10 @O% Txt OOM 7x3 OOM [Clean & Jerk Tx @O% Tx5 @ 6% as DIO 3x5 @O0% Front Squat FRE GI axe O10% Fae OM axe OW \Gore Tx Toor TalOoF PxlooF Tx loot conditioning. exercises exercises 3 exercises 2exercises [Wednesday Warm-up T-arm dumbbell 4x5 ann @ Tx 5 fam @ 3x5 farm @ Txsram@ snatch 65% 65% 75% 60% [Base Rows Tx @G% Tx GoM ans OTH 3x8 am Panse squat Fxsxsee@ Fens eew FxSxS sew TuSNS see Ww body wt body wt 10% body wt 10% body we TrlegSwaight) 4x Seachleg@ dx Seachlegw/ ___4xSeachlegw7 2 xSeachleg @ legged deadlift body wr 10% body wt 10% body wt body wt ray Warmup Snatch 7x3 Oh as OO Ts OI 3x5 OOH Squat FxI0 @ oN Fx10 @O% Txt Ot x6 Oo push Press x10 6% Fx @ 6% TREO IM 3x6 © OM incline DB x10 @OM% Fx10 @O% 4x8 @ 7% 3x8 GO bench press Trarm pulley 4x5 Tam @ 05% xSlam@70% — IxSvam@eow IxSamO6% [Core Tx of Tx l0oF Txloor TxlveF conditioning 3 exercises 3 exercises S exercises 2 exercises Note: All percentages are based on IRM established prior to training eycle. Mesoeycle 2 snatch Microcycle 1 Microcysle 2 Microcycle 3 Microcycle 4 [Monday Warm-up Singie-leg 3x5 Teg wl SxS Teg wl SxS Teg Ww SxS egw lpush-off box 12" box 12" box 12" box 12" box jumps footed ankle 3el0W 3x 1OW Tx10w7 xlOw hops ‘body we ‘ody we body we body wt [Snatch TS OIM TS OI SEI Oa SxS OI [Bench Pres FEET TOBY 3xa@% 3x6@ 10% [Sageered- aE OI TORY FE @ HM 3x6@W% stance pulley (one Ix Toor 2 loor Toor 2xlWoF [condtionin 3 exercises 3 exercises 2 exercises 2 exercises [Wednesday Warmup Squat jumps ax6wl TxOwT axew Tx6w body wt body wt 10% body wt 10% body we Standing xu? TxOw7 Tow Tx6wT jump over hurdle body wt body wt body wt body wt 24" hurdle 24" hurdle 30" bude 30" hurdle [E-tooted box 3x6w 3x6w! ump body wt body wt 18" box 18" box [Crean jerk Tso TSG 3x3 @ 8% 3x5 @ 6% [raterat box FxS ea wT TST egw x37 keg w] eS Teg wl step-ups body wt body wt 10% body wt 10 % body wt farm DE TOI TRG TM RIOR x5 OTH [Friday warm-up cycle spit Tx lO Tx 10 Txt wT Txt wT |squat jumps body wt body wt 10 %body wt body wt Standing jump Tae Tx TR Tx10@ J reach 75% maxjump ht —-7S%maxjumpht «85% mexjompht ——_70Yemnx jump ht [Doable- a0 To lIegged tuck Jump w/ kes up Seach Tx Tow wood 3x T0w/ wood Tao wT To Tx Tw 0% squat stick stick body wt body wt Front squat vo TOI TOT TRIGIM TxS@O IM posh press iacine DB TxEGTW Fe GI Toe Txt @ TOM bcnch press eae Tx oot Tx loa Ta loot Tet conditioning exercises Bexereises exercises 2 exercises Mesocycle 3 Microeyete 1 Microcyete 2 Microcyele 3 Mierocycle 4 Monday Werm- Bfooted low Tx TO handles Ta TO hurdles turd hops Saat jumps Tow ihe TxO wie body wt body we [Maliple box jumps 3x3 boxes @ 3x3 boxes @ Taxi boxes @ 2x2 boxes © 18°24" 30" 18 24°30 18° 24°30" 18°26" Pike jumps 3x6 Tne [Depth jumps Tx¢ fom Txt fom 24h 247M TamDB macho 38S @ 1H Tx Ow 3x3 @ 505 7x5 @ 6% front squat io push press Bench pre TOOT TOU TRI OHM TROD IN Epon TRS postion @ 3x5 postion @ I xIipostion@ 3x5 paaton @ pulley rows 70% 15% 85% 65% [Wednesday Warm-up P-footed low 3x lO hurdles 3x 10 hurdles favre hops uc“ Squat jumps 3x6 WI 10% x6 wi 1% corse body wt body wt IMotipie box jumps 5x3 boxes @ 5x3 bones @ Tx boxes @ Dx 2boxes @ 18" 24" 30" 18" 24" 30" 18"24" 30" 18" 24" Pike jumps 3x6 3x6 Depth jumps x6 fom 3x6 from 24" he 24" ht 5 position Fx aT postion @ 4x2 pasion @ 3x27 positon @ 3x27 position @ JDB tunge matrix ove 65% 1% 60% [Power clean 3x5 @ wm 3x4 @ 8% 33 Oi IKI @ IM [Hammer carlo TEGO Fb @ 10% aeRO TxD 1% Jpush press [Core 2eloor2 Te loor? TxlOot2 elOot2 conditioning exercises xercises exercises exercises [Friday Warm-up lateral stepupto 4xSieg@20% 4xSleg@20% _3xSileg@30% 2x3eg@10% DB box jumps body wt ‘body wt ‘body wt body wt Push press 10 4x6@ Tw) Tx3@ 80% Ww 3x3 @5%0w 3x6@ 1% wi overhead medicine 10 hops @ 4k 10 hops @ 4kg 10hops @ 4g 10 hops @ 4kg bat hops ball ball ball ball Front squatto Lamm 4x3 @ 15% wi TxA @ 80% wT Tx3@ RM Ww 3x6@ 10% w pulley rows 4x6.@ 60% 4x6@ 10% 3x4 @80% 3x6 60% Bench pressio 4x6 @ 80% wi Fx6@ 80% wi 3x3 @ DM Ww ITx6@ 10% Wi Joverhead medicine 10 throws @ 10 throws @ 10 throws @ 10 throws @ atl throws 2 kg ball 2 kg ball 2 kg ball 2g ball Core Conditioning Exercises Physio-ball erunches Physio-ball hyper extension Box bridges Medicine ball side throws Medicine bal windmills Hanging knee raises REC HAM Ea ‘Simplified model of musci oskeletal system at begla- ining of takeoff phase of « VI. ‘Fworjoint muscles tnelude rectus femoris, gastrocne- smivs, and hamstrings (arrow indicates direetion of motion of body's center of mass). Figures from— Umberger, B. Mechanics of the Vertical Jump and Two-k Figures 1 and 2 REC HAM takeoff phase. Rec and Gas transport mechanical energy ‘generated by proximal one Jolat muscles (not shown) to ‘more distal joints. Hametringe transport some mechanical ‘energy back to the hip. Muscles: Implications for Training, Strength and Conditioning Oct: 70-74. 1998 Figure 3 Week 1-12 Figure 3. Relationship between training volume (total number of repetitions) and power output (W) across a 12-week macrocycle. When training volume is higher and intensity is lower, power output is usually reduced, and vice versa Figure from— Baker, D. Acute and Long-Term Power Responses to Power Training: Observations on the Training of an Elite Power Athlete. Strength and Conditioning Journal 23(1): 47-56. 2001. Table 1 Plyometric Exercise Intensity Levels Primary” Direction Exercise Intensity Direction 2 ‘Jumps to Place 2efooted ankle hop vert fp evist arile vert tase "at lat aT TA SSGHL2 ERED SHRGTEY LULLLLLL GRNTe QELLLELEUERETS i oes & ae = Se lier | = Bebe rein oe = ee cent ae = high vert = = a Sele = te pee ee ee wee ee a ie See ce ae = S 8 = ee siege ise = se Pd B08 2 : 2 * = = is = siglo 2 : ate 2 a ees dees tee fn hctz Bes en Oe and o pete fie pa oe Recon ae = 2a ie a mnsgane oe Soe aoe cae me tw ee ae Sang i mee an ee cee ating Re Smee ee Se om oe Season ee Table from—Allerheiligen, B. and R. Rogers. Plyometries Program Design. Strength and Conditioning Aug/Oct: 26-31;33-39. 1995.

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