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Biliary injury is the most severe common complication of

cholecystectomy. It is always morbid, occasionally fatal, increases

cost [13], and often results in litigation [46].
duct injury has always been a risk of cholecystectomy but its
incidence increased sharply when laparoscopic surgery for
cholecystolithiasis was introduced. Not only has laparoscopic
cholecystectomy led to more injuries, but certain types of injury,
such as ductal lacerations, bile leaks, and aberrant duct
injuries, are more common than they were previously. The
causes of injury are becoming better understood and improved
methods for preventing injury are available. When
injury occurs, a high rate of permanent cure is possible using
advanced techniques of reconstruction in specialized
trauma laposkopi bilier
trauma bilier merupakan komplikasi berat dan sering pada
kolesistektomi. Sering menjadi buruk, fatal, meningkatkan biaya
dan menyebabkan ligitasi. trauma biliaris merupakan resiko pada
kolisestektomi namun diketahui bahwa insiden trauma bilier
meningkat tajam ketika operasi laparoscopi kolesistektomi. tidak
hanya laparoskopi kolesistektomi penyebab banyak trauma, tapi
banyak jenis trauma lain, seperti laserasi duktal, kebocoran bilier
dan trauma duktus abberant, merup

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