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got chocolate milk? got game!

Have you heard the latest news?

Low fat chocolate milk is a natural sports drink.
Low fat chocolate milk is a great-tasting energy source to refuel and recover
your athletes body. Why? Because low fat chocolate milk contains the ideal
carbohydrate to protein ratio to refuel tired muscles and replenish energy.
Research shows that a beverage containing
both proteinand carbohydrate is more
effective at improving workout performance
than a beverage containing only carbs,
like many commercial or specialized
sports drinks.1 In fact, athletes who had
both carbs and protein after their
workout showed performance gains
between 21%-55% the next time
they played.

Are you thinking chocolate =

sugar = fat?
You may be surprised to know that
in addition to being about 90% water,
low fat chocolate milk is tried and true.
It is the perfect balance of 9 essential
nutrients needed for sports recovery.
Yes, low fat chocolate milk does have
added sugar, but the 2 1/2 teaspoons
dwarf the added sugar in popular
sports drinks.2 Drinking low fat
chocolate milk within 15-30 minutes post workout not only promotes greater
losses of excess body fat, it also promotes muscle mass gains, and maximizes
overall performance.

When is the best time for athletes to drink chocolate milk?

Visit our
website for
more information.

Help your athlete make chocolate milk part of their winning team by drinking low
fat chocolate milk 15-30 minutes after exercise. There is nearly 10 years of research
supporting low fat chocolate milk as the ideal sports recovery drink. Give your
athlete the extra edge to perform their best. Give them low fat chocolate milk!
Cited Studies:
1 Karp JR, Johnston JD, Tecklenburg S, Mickleborough TD, Fly AD, Stager JM. Chocolate milk as a Post-Exercise Recovery Aid. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 2006;78-91.
2 Hartman, JW, Tang JE, Wilkinson SD, Tamopolsky MA, Lawrence RL, Fullerton AV and Phillips SM. Consumption of fat-free fluid milk following resistance exercise promotes greater lean mass accretion than
soy or carbohydrate consumption in young novice male weightlifters. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2007;86(2)373-381.

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