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APEH Chronology Review

1558-1603 Reign of Elizabeth I of England
1604- End of the Anglo- Spanish naval war begun in 1588
1608- Telescope invented (note: The original telescope was 3x magnification. Very soon after
that, Galileo had improved it to 30x magnification)
1610- Publication of Starry Messenger by Galileo
1618- Brandenburg and Prussia are united
Defenestration of Prague
Beginning of the 30 Years War
Ferdinand II, HRE 1619-1637
Albrecht von Wallenstein
Gustavus Adolphus
1620- publication of Novum Organum by Sir Francis Bacon
1624- Cardinal Richelieu becomes the Chief Minister of France
1625-1649- Charles I Stuart
1629- Edict of Restitution- all lands from Augsburg back to Catholics
Edict of Alais- revokes one aspect of the Edict of Nantes
1633- Trial and excommunication of Galileo
1637- Publication of Descartes Discourse on Method
1638- Birth of future Louis XIV
1640- Frederick William, the Great Elector, comes to the throne of Brandenburg-Prussia
The Court of the Star Chamber
1643- Birth of Newton, Death of Richelieu
1643- Louis XIV becomes King of France at the age of 5
1648- Peace of Westphalia
1649- Russian Code of Laws ect all peasants tied to the land
1658- Death of Oliver Cromwell
1660- Restoration of Charles II
1661- Beginning of personal rule of Louis XIV
Death of Mazarin
1667- War of Devolution: Louis attempts to seize the Netherlands: ascension of William of
Orange III
1668- Swedes, Dutch and English ally against Louis XIV
1670- Treaty of Dover signed in secret between Louis XIV and Charles II
1673- Test Act
1682- Peter I becomes Tsar at age 10, shares the throne with half siblings Sophie and Ivan
1683- Turkish invasion of the East: Siege of Vienna
1685- Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Death of Charles II, James II come to the throne in
1687- publication of Principia by Isaac Newton
1688- Glorious Revolution William of Orange becomes William II and Mary
1689- English Bill of Rights signed by William II

1690- Locke Essay Concerning Human Understanding

1694- Bank of England established
1697-1718 Reign of Charles XII of Sweden
1698- Revolt of the Streltsy. Peter crushes revolt and executes 1700 nobles
France is dominant in the 1600s
Russia becomes a force in the 1600s
Swedens ascension in the 1600s

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