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Individualized Instruction Narrative

For the Individualized Instruction project, I created an interactive PowerPoint on my

course theme, The Great Gatsby. While creating this project, I was given several opportunities to
have my work reviewed by others to get an idea of the effectiveness of my project and where I
could go from that point. It gave me an idea of what I could do to make it more interesting for
the viewer. The planning cards allowed me to review with my lab TA my possible choices for
options in the project. I got feedback on my objectives and what could be revised to better fit my
project and the direction I wanted to go with it. The planning cards helped me to lay out exactly
how I wanted my project to look so that I could be sure to add the right components, such as
menus, buttons, and hyperlinks. By using planning cards, I could revise anything and get
feedback on my plan before actually starting the project. The peer review was also helpful during
the process, as I got feedback on what I had completed so far during that point in my project.
Having a peer go through my project was allowed me to get an opinion on what worked and
what needed improvement. The peer review was helpful for me to understand the point of view
of someone actually going through the PowerPoint as if they were completing the activity. The
TA review was valuable because I could receive feedback on my nearly completed project. At
that point in my creation project, I only had minor adjustments to make.
Based on the completion of this project, I learned about the many aspects of making an
interactive PowerPoint. I learned to use various tools available in PowerPoint, such as how to
insert hyperlinks and removing the background of a picture. By learning to use these tools, I
made my project more interesting and made it easier to navigate. Ease of navigation was one of
the most important aspects of this project, as the student viewing this PowerPoint should be able
to get from page to page without interruption, so it was important that the hyperlinks worked and
directed the viewer to the correct page. By learning to correctly add hyperlinks, this was not an
While creating this project, I had to keep the ISTE Standards in mind. By creating a
project such as this one, I integrated technology in a way that was interactive and interesting and
could keep the interest of a student of a high school grade level. An interactive PowerPoint
adheres to the objective of Design and develop digital age learning experiences and
assessments in the ISTE Standards. I created a digital activity that kept the interest of the
students and helped them to learn about the subject presented. The project also used various
types of assessments to assess the students progress and understanding of the material.

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