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Running Head: STI Health Coaching Reflection

Megan Crump
STI Health Coaching Reflection
Professor Shippee-Rice
NURS 500
University of New Hampshire

Running Head: STI Health Coaching Reflection

This paper will outline in detail my experience health coaching a friend of mine
Pat in the proper use male condoms and other methods for preventing sexually
transmitted infections. I practiced the motivational interview style of coaching based on
infromation that I prepared prior to the session from outside sources. I have identified
areas of success and areas for improvement for myself using the Gibbs Cycle of
reflection; I also evaluated these areas for Pat by using the teach-back method. Through
the interview I focused on concepts specific to Pats interests and lifestyle, ensuring he felt
confident in the areas he inquired about and originally didnt have much prior knowledge.

Running Head: STI Health Coaching Reflection

On Sunday afternoon in my apartment complex, I lead a motivational interview
with my guy friend Pat in the privacy of my room with the door closed for roughly half
an hour. I wanted to make Pat feel as comfortable as possible discussing this matter, as I
even felt a little nervous having this conversation with another. However in the field of
nursing, you cant pick your patients based on your own comfort zones specific to gender
so I figured it would be a good challenge. Prior to the interview I gathered infromation
and discussed the purpose of this session to Pat. I explained the types of questions I
would be asking to make sure he truly felt comfortable and agreed to the process. By
reiterating the confidentiality of this conversation, I was hoping Pat would provide honest
answers, as I didnt want him to feel embarrassed or ashamed at anytime based on the
direction the conversations went. First off, I asked Pat what he knew already about the
sexually transmitted infections. I asked him if he was sexually active and he responded,
Yes, I delicately asked him about his normal sexual protection use; if any. With the use
of oral contraceptives on his partners end, Pat admitted to occasionally using a male
condom. He explained to me his reasons why he felt this way; they both agreed that
condoms affected the experience. I respected his choice without lecturing him on his risk
for an STI pathogen. Instead, I thought it would be more beneficial if I discussed signs
and symptoms for STIs based on the CDC website I read previously and prior
knowledge I have from other classes. This method allowed the message to get across to
Pat at how dangerous these diseases are without coming across as forceful due to his
previous mindset. This seemed to be a successful start because Pat was engaging in this
shift of conversation, I noticed how he began inquiring about specific diseases

Running Head: STI Health Coaching Reflection

particularly the ones without many signs which seemed to scare him a little bit. I ensured
him that there are plenty of tests he can take at local clinics to put himself at ease.
Pat knew that part of my assignment was to demonstrate the proper use of a
condom, therefore with a banana at hand and a male condom in the other I began. I
grasped the folded ring with my index finger and thumb, placing it around the top of the
banana. As I did this, I made sure Pat had a good view of it and I verbalized each step as I
went about it. After placing the condom on the top of the banana, I gently rolled it down
the sides and secured it. As you can imagine, giggles arouse from Pat which made me
laugh probably not that appropriate in a professional setting but for the time being it
was necessary to lighten the mood. I asked Pat if he would like to try, he didnt want to
out of embarrassment. So instead I had him reteach it back to me by verbalizing each of
the simple step; something he found more comfort it. I asked him if he had any
experience with a female condom, he hadnt before because he thought they werent real.
I pulled up a picture on the internet to show him what they looked like, this lead the
conversation toward different options for condoms that he and his partner could
potentially try even flavored condoms and flavored lube. I felt like this was a good way
to acknowledge his negative feelings towards the regular male condoms while subtly
reintroducing the importance of using one and a potential substitution.
After the session I felt confident about the multiple shifts in conversation that I
took based on Pats response, I wanted to engage him while still targeting certain areas.
Pat seemed more enthusiastic after the interview then he was in the beginning regarding
the use of condoms, he didnt seem as apprehensive and seemed to be genuinely inquiring
about it. I do think that Pats long-term relationship definitely influenced his attitude

Running Head: STI Health Coaching Reflection

regarding learning new infromation, along with his age that made him feel embarrassed
to engage in the condom application himself. As far as myself, I feel that reflecting on the
experience there are a few things I wish I did differently. Specifically when discussing
testing for STIs, I feel like I may have worried him a little too much which wasnt fair
for me to do. In the future I want to be able to connect with my patients enough that they
feel they are able to talk about anything with me such as actually applying the condom
to the banana himself. However I can understand how the age group and friendship level
may have made it too awkward for him, which is why I used my judgment not to press on
it and make him feel uncomfortable. All in all I think it was a great experience for both of
us, Pat was able to learn somethings he never considered in regards to safe sexual
practices and even precautious methods such as getting himself tested. I feel competent
that I was able to hold a conversation that is often a sensitive subject with someone I
dont feel all that comfortable with, it made me feel more comfortable with myself!


Running Head: STI Health Coaching Reflection

Planned Parenthood | Official Site. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2015.

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